
Sep 19, 2008 12:55

Rating: R
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan/Hulkling
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #100-Writer's Choice
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Gratuitous, plotless, and not for kids.

100: Writer’s Choice
Billy’s nails dug into his back. He ground his teeth and wrapped his legs around Teddy’s waist and squeaked.
Teddy pushed in slowly, a bit at a time, and watched Billy writhe beneathe him.
"Ngh! Teddy!" Billy groaned. He was so hard he could taste it and Teddy was going to slow. "Please!"
The shapechanger pressed his lips to Billy’s neck, tilting his head to the side for better access, and fueling his lover’s desperation. The spellcaste cried out and begged, squirmed and writhed, body taut.
"Please, oh, please!"
Teddy pressed hs forehead to Billy’s and watched his eyes as he thrust forward again. Big brown orbs, wide with need, begged him, cajoled him, rolled back into Billy’s skull.
Teddy found a rhythm and Billy sank his teeth into his shoulder, drawing blood. His fingernails dug trenches in Teddy’s back. Teddy squeezed his eyes shut an tried not to think about how bad it burned.
"Please," Billy mumbled against his shoulder.
This time Teddy obliged, kissing him and thrusting in, hard and fast, warm and rough.
One of the shapechanger’s hands tangled in his hair and the other squeezed his hip. He forced in, deeper, harder, faster, again and again. Billy’s harsh cries morphed slowly into screams and he came, eyes wide and unseeing.
Teddy bit down on his shoulder, sucking, leaving a sizeable mark, pushed in, riding out his own orgasm, releasing himself into his lover’s body.
Their heavy breathing cut through the air. Teddy lowered himself gently to the bed next to Billy and held him to his chest.
"Oh," Billy moaned. "Oh, my."
Someone pounded on the door.
"What?" Teddy demanded, all machismo.
"Turn down the sound track!" Eli shouted. "No one wants to hear that!"
"No one wants to hear you and your little love triangle, either, but we get the full joy every time!" Billy shouted back.
Eli didn’t respond, but they could practically hear him blush. Then he stormed off and they were alone again.
Billy pressed an ear to Teddy’s chest, and both started to laugh.


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