Mid-Night Returns

Dec 29, 2008 05:07

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Wilders
Prompt: Alcohol
Notes: For A Year In Writing.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Geoffrey wakes up and finds Ann on his doorstep.

066: Alcohol

The clock read, “12:37,” when Ann knocked on Geoffrey’s door.

He stumbled out of his bedroom, followed closely by Catherine, and leaned heavily against the door, peering out before sighing loudly and opening it.

“What’s up, Mom?” he asked, wondering how much this was going to cost him.

“I need a place to stay,” she slurred. “Left Jackie. Couldn’t stand him anymore.”

She swayed drunkenly. Geoffrey groaned inwardly and reached out to help her into his apartment. He didn’t bother to ask who Jackie was, or how she’d managed the stairs, or where she’d been. He wouldn’t get an answer and she’d probably throw up on him.

He left her on the couch to get some water and returned to find her unconscious.

“Is she okay?” Catherine asked.

“She usually is,” Geoffrey replied. He left the water on the table with a bottle of aspirin and headed back to his bed.


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