
Nov 05, 2008 22:51

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Wilders
Prompt: Pineapple
Notes: For A Year In Writing.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Catharine has an allergic reaction.

047: Pineapple

“I’m going to call your mom,” Geoffrey called, leaving Catharine in the very capable hands of the hospital staff.

This was going to be fun. Calling Mrs. Scott to tell her Catharine was in the hospital was guaranteed to be painful. He dropped two quarters into the pay phone by the door.

“What? No!” Bzzz…..

Geoffrey held the receiver for a moment, a little stunned at her reaction, then set it back on the hook. Mr. Scott drove up to the door. Mrs. Scott got out and sent him to park.

“Where’s my baby?” she demanded. “What did you do to her?”

Geoffrey tried to calm her down. He failed miserably. A spare nurse stepped outside to see what the matter was. She yelled at him and again demanded information.

“Ma’am, you’ll have to calm down before you can come in,” the nurse informed her, positioning himself in front of the door.

Mrs. Scott took a few deep breaths and said, very calmly, “Where is my daughter?”

“She’s in the emergency room,” Geoffrey said. “Apparently, she is allergic to pineapples.”

Mrs. Scott gasped. “I sent her a pineapple upside-down cake!”

“And it was very good,” Geoffrey assured her.

She turned to the nurse. “Let me see my Cathy,” she pleaded.

Mr. Scott joined them. He laid a hand on his wife’s shoulder.

“She’s probably not fit for visitors,” he offered.

This seemed to soothe her. She sighed. Her shoulders slumped.

“Come in and sit down. We’ll let you know when she’s able to have visitors,” the nurse said. “What’s the name?”

He led them in. Geoffrey lingered a moment, then followed them.


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