
Oct 30, 2008 13:25

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Wilders
Prompt: Driving
Notes; For A Year In Writing
Disclaimer; This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Geoffrey knows a nice place.

023: Driving

They got in the car and went driving some days.  Catharine lived for rides in his car.  Geoffrey liked to drive with her against his side.  Most days they went without aim.  Today Geoffrey had a destination in mind.

There was a quiet spot outside of the city.  It took some time to get to, but it was only rarely that anyone went there.

The place was an old winery that had fallen into disrepair since its owners had died forever ago.  He pulled in behind the main building and came around to help her out of the car.  She gave him a look, but let him have his way.

A short walk brought them to the vineyards, themselves.  A little further, and they were in the main yard.  He turned and kissed her, bringing her up short and enjoying her surprise.

Catharine blushed.  He ran his hands over the soft folds of her cotton dress.  She ran her fingers over the bulge in his pants.

He jumped.

She smirked.

He pulled her to him again and slowly lowered both of their bodies to the ground.


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