Stolen from
- Guess the ships from the quotes! (and googling/using search engines is totally against the rules):
1."What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you staying, or what?"
"I... Yes - yes, I'm staying ******, we said we'd go with *****, we said we'd help -"
"I get it. You choose him." Ron & Hermione;
yas_snape2."I want more
Read more... )
2- Chase and Cameron
5- Snape and Lily
6- House and Wilson (*_*)
7- Denny and Izzie
8- Blair and Chuck
10- Addison and McSteamy
12- Star Wars Ep 2
13- I know but can't remember
14- Burk and Christina
15- Star Wars Ep 6
2- Chase and Cameron
5- Snape and Lily
6- House and Wilson (*_*)
7- Denny and Izzie
8- Blair and Chuck
10- Addison and McSteamy
12- Anakin and Padmé Star Wars Ep 2
13- I know but can't remember
14- Burk and Christina
15- Han Solo and LeiaStar Wars Ep 6
Hahaha, isso é tão legal *_*
Mais respeito ¬¬
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