His local experience is much greater than hers, especially when you compare Hyde Park to Bumfuck, Alaska. He's actually traveled abroad, she's just looked out her back yard. While he wasn't a senator for long, he did a lot of stuff outside of the congressional senate.What does "local experience" mean exactly? Like.....chairman of a board that blew through a cool $100 million to be spent on improving education in chicago schools that had nothing to show for it? Because she didn't do that, I'll grant you that
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He has been chosen by the people of his party, she was chosen by an individual, a bit of a difference. He is being groomed for the position, she will have it thrust upon her in a moment of emergency. With the way she responds to various situations in the media so far, I wouldn't trust her not to look like a deer in headlights.Have you seen Obama extemporizing without a teleprompter? It hurts. See also Bill O'Reilly interview. I'd rank his verbalizing skills without a script somewhere on par with GWB. With a script, he's golden (but no Bill Clinton though), but emergencies won't follow a script
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I don't really care what the media is doing to her. That's not the issue here. I strictly posted a stupid poll. I'm also not arguing about other choices, this isn't about biden, hillary, or anyone else. It's about specifically the choice of Palin, and the surrounding hubbub
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That being said, with a high standard for foreign experience, nearly any governor would be an inappropriate choice, as they generally have little foreign policy experience. Bill Clinton was little known outside of Arkansas prior to the 1992 campaign and had little or no international experience that I'm aware of (unless you count allowing the sale of tainted prisoners blood to Canada as international experience). I don't believe Al Gore was internationally renowned either (in 1992). Arkansas doesn't even border any other countries. And yet, Bill Clinton managed - not perfectly, mind you, but he managed. I don't believe Bill Clinton was a bad president, either. Spending too much time philandering and living by the polls, perhaps, but not bad.
And re: ability to speak, I invite you to look at this Obama town hall. When he has no well-defined script, he's a pretty bad communicator. Far from just being awkward delivering talking points in that situation, his verbalization just tends to break down.
So, once again, you're pointing out a republican point of view that a democrat is not fit for office... so apply that same reasoning to your own candidate for VP. If the dems choice isn't good enough, the repubs should choose better for themselves. They can't use that as their excuse to fight against obama, then claim it's good enough for themselves, because that belittles their entire argument. You can't say that one thing is bad for one person, but then say it's OK for yourself. You can't, it's hypocritical. And before you start bringing in other points, I'm ONLY TALKING about this one point here, nothing else
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1. I will rephrase myself. I am not arguing that Bill Clinton was unfit for office from the foreign affairs/policy perspective and thus that it makes it somehow ok for Sarah Palin to be unfit too. I am arguing that Bill Clinton was fit for the office - and so is Sarah Palin. Foreign policy has been jumped upon because obviously it's her weakest trait, not because of some vast store of foreign policy knowledge a P or VP candidate needs.
2, related to 1. American presidential elections do not occur in vacuums, with respect to comparisons between the current candidates and to a lesser extent, past candidates. People can, do, and will compare the candidates to each other and may pick the one they like most or dislike least. Indeed, that is how our voting, for better or worse, is structured.
3. For what it's worth, John McCain's mom, still alive and kicking at age 97. And if John McCain is going to melt physically or mentally under the stress of office, well, um, gee, you might think we would have seen that in the 5 1/2 years he spent as
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My argument is that republicans claim Obama is NOT fit for office, therefore Palin isn't using the same criteria. Using republicans own arguments against one candidate, but not the other, is hypocritical. Whether you believe it or not, well, that's up to you. Using the same definitions to say one person is not qualified, but another is is hypocritical. You may not want to acknowledge it, but that's what I'm saying, and I'm sticking to it. It's like saying "you can't fly to the moon because you wear glasses, but I wear glasses and I can". If I were to say that to you, that'd be hypocritical. Saying Obama doesn't have enough experience after being in the Senate since 2004, then claiming Palin does with even less time in any leadership role over more than 6000 people is wrong. Being Mayor of a town that small isn't that much experience. If an 18 year old can do it in a town of just over 8000 while still being in high school, it doesn't say much for her "experience", whereas Obama has been a senator for longer than she's been a
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He has been chosen by the people of his party, she was chosen by an individual, a bit of a difference. He is being groomed for the position, she will have it thrust upon her in a moment of emergency. With the way she responds to various situations in the media so far, I wouldn't trust her not to look like a deer in headlights.Have you seen Obama extemporizing without a teleprompter? It hurts. See also Bill O'Reilly interview. I'd rank his verbalizing skills without a script somewhere on par with GWB. With a script, he's golden (but no Bill Clinton though), but emergencies won't follow a script ( ... )
And re: ability to speak, I invite you to look at this Obama town hall. When he has no well-defined script, he's a pretty bad communicator. Far from just being awkward delivering talking points in that situation, his verbalization just tends to break down.
Obama town hallFew people see this side ( ... )
2, related to 1. American presidential elections do not occur in vacuums, with respect to comparisons between the current candidates and to a lesser extent, past candidates. People can, do, and will compare the candidates to each other and may pick the one they like most or dislike least. Indeed, that is how our voting, for better or worse, is structured.
3. For what it's worth, John McCain's mom, still alive and kicking at age 97. And if John McCain is going to melt physically or mentally under the stress of office, well, um, gee, you might think we would have seen that in the 5 1/2 years he spent as ( ... )
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