Sep 18, 2005 17:50
well this weekend was really good
on friday the lovely melissa came over and we chilled like we used to and i really missed doing that and i love her < 3
saturday i went with melissa and tricia to get there ears lowered haha and then we all went to the mall with jamie and had a good day. that night me and jamie had to babysit and then after we went to alyssa's house to catch the after party which was so funny.
today was really good too, i slept at jamies last night and we woke up and watched some sharks then got ready and went to xstreet and saw everyone then we went to the street fair and saw everyone and then went to wendys and then back to alyssas for a good laugh with nicole wisslaaa < 33 i love those girls let me tell ya
im reaally happy right now too which is so awesome