present from LIsa

Nov 24, 2008 12:25

hi everyone :D

I got a pressie form Lisa!!!!    2 lovely long pads for me with a Rudolph pattern and a red and gold Christmas pattern, and lovely pinguin pad for my youngest and a fantastic bamboo white pad for my eldest, I'd post pics but hubby has the camera and I wanted to let Lisa know that they have arrived, they are lovely!

thank you thank you thak you, you are so sweet. pics will be posted soon, I promise

as for me, well I'm sick, and I have been for 5 weeks, my body is slowly adjusting to the meds (Tegratol = Carbamazepine) and as soon as I feel half decent we have to bump the dosage up :(
I have
in case I haven't mentioned it
and yes it is as bad as it says so heavy meds are called for ........
I sleep a lot, I feel like I have lost half of my mental capability, I am dizzy and nauseus and I am just sad about not coping with anything. I can't work and I can't keep up with the house. I only cook every other day or so and my eldest and my hubby especially have been picking up the slack, my youngest has just been sweet and helped a little extra, she's only 12 after all.
Mom cleaned my fridge on friday, and got mostly caught up on the laundry. Even taking a shower is an enterprise as I have to have supervision as I might faint. Obviously I am not driving .............ick ick ick

however once i am stabilized (about 2 weeks after the last increase in dosage) I should normalize and be able to return to normal life with less pain
there is just one "bump" left until I am at optimal treatment leavel and the pain is much better, almost gone in fact =D

thank Heavens I am not a single mom, thank Heavens I am loved. If I was alone I don't know what I'd do.

ok whine over, hugs all round
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