Should sick employees go to work?

Dec 19, 2011 08:14

I have to ask because this is a huge pet peeve of mine...

If you went to a restaurant & your chef/server/other person handling your food was sick...

How would that make you feel? Would you eat the food? Would you be concerned that you might get sick?

Isn't it a health code violation?

Gid is sick & says every1 at the cafe is getting sick or is sick, but they continue to keep the sick employees on unless they ask not to work.

Do you agree w/ this management tactic? Just about every restaurant does this.

I HATE when sick people insist on working because it's extremely rude & selfish of them... That they can care less about the dozens of people they are infecting! The domino effect could be horrendous!

Hypothetical situation:
Server works sick with the flu. Get's other employees sick. My husband comes home w/ the flu, insists he must work (they are still short on managers) thus becoming even more sick since he's not resting, he gets me sick & I can't rest since I have E to care for, E gets sick & because he's so young & rarely ill ends up hospitalized w/ the flu & dies!!!

All because 1 selfish ass person refused to stay home from work while sick & management didn't care if they worked sick. Sure that's an extreme scenario ending, but it can happen... My son can get ill because of that sick server infected their germs into my family. wanting $ over the well being of potentially hundreds of people (the Cafe can see up to 1000 patrons a day).

It just drives me crazy!!!!!!!!

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via ljapp

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