Jun 21, 2007 09:45
Nine more days till school is over and I gotta say that will miss those kids. I can't decide whether it's the snotty noses or the constant ojects in my hair (including but not limited to popsicle sticks, glue, snacks....and this one can get interesting, googly eyes, paper and stickers), but I sure will miss them. Today I tripped over one of them....and I mean a full-on trip, like I slid face first down the center row. The funny part is that they are so used to me looking like a jackass that they didn't even blink. I just got up and kept talking. I got one "are you okay?," 2 or 3 "we told you to take off those big shoes," a couple of headshakes like "what a loser," and one "OUCH!" That was the girl I pummeled. My B....
In other Saipanian news, the Deanna/Tony invasion? Frickin awesome. Of course they both went through the first week with the usual "I hate this place," I'm gonna kill myself." Or, a direct quote from Ms. Deanna "This is hell on earth!" But by the end of our adventures (Madhatter party, Tinian gambling, THE SHIM!, paintballing, cars breaking, no AC/food/money days, and wig parties) Deanna wanted to change her ticket to stay and Tony just applied to teach here next year. Life is GROOOOD!
In more "Diana hasn't updated in a while so shut up and listen to her" news, I am back to the States in 3 short weeks! WOOO WEEE! Camping 2007....YES! And Ms. Kathy? BONUS! And I have a boyfriend? WAHOO! And if I have a job when I come back...JACKPOT!
Just in case you need to know...
1. I HATE my cat. Spawn of Satan
2. I am homeless come June 1st. Tee hee...
3. Trench Tech....now THAT'S hilarious to watch!
4. Flip cup? I am the reigning CHAMP
5. Chubby Bunny? Not so much.... :)
6. If I was more technalogically advanced I could show pictures. But I'm not. Miscuzzi....
I'll be writing from the States next! Lata Alligatas!