Aug 05, 2006 12:31
Life has been amazing to me!
Here is why:
1. I have the best job in the world. My kids are awesome and I'm so excited to teach them. It's Saturday night and Emily and I are sitting around planning lessons. I am in THE ZONE. I've made all kinds of fun activities and I'm pumped! Nights like these make me so happy to know that I've picked the right career.
2. San Vicente is the perfect school for me. Day one I went out drinking with my hilarious coworkers and my principal even ended up at Happy Hour! It was great! They are all so relaxed and I am assured to have a great year. I share an office with the two best office buddies in the world! I am already the self-designated Captain....No big deal. And I got a laptop and a printer, but most importantly, permission to paint the office!!!
3. I am in love and I don't care who knows it! :) That's right, make fun of me all you want, I don't care. Chris is the best boyfriend in the world and I couldn't be happier with him. AND, he comes in only 84 days! YES!
4. I took the Praxis today and learned I can't speak English. I was supposed find the errors in the sentence. Didn't happen. I had like sixteen "E. There are no errors in this sentence." Dang it. But I laughed at myself the entire test. Talk about retarded.
5. I have an AWESOME Christmas vacation planned. It will be glorious! I'm off to the Philippines for 4 days, then to Thailand for New Year's, then to Vietnam (where my friend Mai might join me!!!) and then I'm finishing up in Malaysia. The hostels are like $3/night...literally. WOOOO!
6. I have yet to (severely) injure myself on my scooter.
7. I discovered this song (the lyrics are good, but you need to hear's fabulous)
Along for the Ride
My papa said fill my pockets with riches
Buy a big house in Bel Air
Tie the knot with a Supreme Court Justice
Raise 2.5 millionaires
But Daddy Dear, oh, my wallet’s half empty
I rent a shack on the shore
I know you want just the best for me
But I’m fine, just biding my time
I’m just along for the ride
And there’s no need for me to drive
I’m just along for the ride
I’m happy taking in all the sights
Oh, I’m just along for the
Just along for the ride
You insist I should have some direction
Take a stand, take control
Here’s my two cents Mr. Busman drive me away
Anywhere, please
I’m on The Bus going nowhere fast
I missed my stop but it’s ok
My prized possession is my Mickey Mouse watch
Oh, I like it this way
You might not approve of this road I’m traveling
My life is like a Sunday drive
But thanks for asking ‘bout me anyway
I’ll be alright, I like it this way
I’m on The Bus goin’ nowhere, along for the ride
Don’t like the road that I’m travelin’, but I’ll be alright
Take my hand and come with me baby
There's so much to see
Don't like it very much, but I think I'll be okay
And I don't need to drive, no
Just taking it all in stride
7. Bonus: I bought expired dried magoes today...20cents each! Retail price? Like $1.85!!! I'm on fire!