a nice little update

Jun 06, 2010 22:48

First, some thoughts on yesterday's Doctor Who

I was really really happy that Rory is still a presence on the show in a way, even though Amy's forgotten him. And we know something is up the way Vincent could see Amy's epic sadness even though she herself couldn't remember it. Oh yeah, that's gonna come back. And when the doctor accidentally called Vincent "Rory" OMGGGG I died. I miss him so much, you guys!

Anyway, I also liked that in the end they didn't change Van Gogh's life. Stephen Moffat put it really well in the Confidential, he pointed out that the doctor can't save you from yourself. I love love watching the Doctor Who Confidentials because Stephen Moffat is so smart and so eloquant about the episodes, and I just love hearing his take on it. The writer of the episode was interesting, too. He said that yeah, its a children's show, but if one in four people suffer from depression in their lifetime, then maybe its good for children to get a little bit of exposure to that early. And I thought they handled the subject really well, not dwelling on it overly much, but not leaving it out entirely.

Also, as an American, I've always heard Van Gogh pronounced like "van go," so it was a bit jarring to hear everyone saying "van goff." Culture shock! haha. In Confidential, the actor who played him was Scottish but lives in LA, and he switched between the two. Very interesting.

Ok, end of Doctor Who comments.

I BOUGHT A NEW MOUSE TODAY! Computer mouse, that is. About time, too, I was ready to snap. It had started doing this thing where I would click the button once, and the computer would register two clicks. Do you know how hard it is to do EVERYTHING when your mouse double-clicks every time?? VERY DIFFICULT. I mean, for menus and typing in web addresses, it would end up clicking whatever was underneath what I really wanted to click, and taking me to the bookmarks in my browser bar a lot. Or opening two new tabs instead of one. OMG the number of times I ended up closing more than one tab because the new tab's x button jumps into the same position as the previous one's. And don't even get me started on dragging and highlighting. Pretty much impossible, because the mouse was constantly clicking on and off.

Then a couple of weeks ago it started triple clicking everything. *scream* Anyway, I made the trek to Best Buy today and bought an optical mouse with a cord (no batteries!) that lights up pretty colors. :D AND IT CLICKS LIKE A DREAM. So happy.

We're doing inventory at the store this week, and basically I have no idea what's going to happen, and we're going to have very little help. I'm stressed out about it. EEP.

I was very depressed about my reel_merlin fic, I had written a sort of resolution and Rachael basically told me "no it can't go down like that" and I was really upset. I was in a place where I hated the entire thing, and I didn't know how to resolve it. But blessed Rachael got on video chat with me last night and was like "lets work this out" and we did. We thought it out, bounced ideas off each other, and basically got the ball rolling again so that I can finish. AND SHE'S PHOTOSHOPPING AN EPIC BANNER FOR MY STORY, TOO! I really hope people like it. To say that this has not been easy for me would be a massive understatement.

Last weekend was pretty great, it was Suzi's birthday, and I hung out with her Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was her birthday dinner with a bunch of people, and we ate at the Tonga room, which was really neat. It was like a Tiki theme and really fun, plus the food was delicious, even though it was technically "family style" (which I hate the entire concept of) we each got our own dish.

Sunday we saw Prince of Persia with Justin and with Suzi's friend Mollie, who was visiting from Ohio. She was a sweetheart, and we all had a blast! Then we got yummy italian food and shopped a little.

Also last Saturday I went to West Portal, and found some really nice shops. My favorite was a board game store called Just Awesome! and the guys who worked there were super nice. I asked about Zombie Dice, which was on display at the register, and the guy was like "wanna play?" So me and two of the guys who work there sat down and had a game of Zombie Dice. They also do game nights, and encouraged me to come to their 21+ game night on Thursday nights, which also is BYOB! Not that I would probably drink a lot, but how epic is that? If any of you SF people are reading this and want to check it out with me, LET ME KNOW AND WE WILL GO!

Sean and I finally did our Lost finale squee!fest on the phone the other day, and he thought it was as perfect as I did. :D He also told me about a parody that Jimmy Fallon did on his show called Late, where basically a group of people are in an elevator crash and get stuck on a deserted floor of the building. ITS SO GOOD! Its seven "episodes" long, and its like, perfect satire. If you like Lost, you NEED to watch this. However, I watched it all on Hulu, and for some reason they don't have the first episode, which I still haven't seen, but no matter! There's a "previously on Late" montage, and I didn't really feel lost (ha!) at all. Americans you can watch it here on hulu: Late episode 2.

Also, in case you hadn't heard, there was a new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows teaser trailer on the MTV Movie Awards, and it looks FREAKING EPIC, FRIENDS! *squeeeeee*
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