(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 23:53

-Full Name: Diana Carolina Salazar Trujillo Quadri Misle Long. (vega)
-Nickname: Dee. stubelina
-Date of Birth: May 21 1987
-Zodiac Sign: Geminis
-Place of Birth: Venezuela, Margarita
-Heritage: Venezolana
-Favorite Color: Red
-Elementary School: Vineland,Kendale & Kenwood Elementary
-Mothers Name: Lilia Ines Trujillo
-Fathers Name: Roberto A. Quadri
-Favorite Number: 21
-Best Friends name: JaNiris VEGA,Jennifer Restrepo n DIana C.....
-Sibiling: 2 sisters
-Name of Person u hate the most: I dont hate her I just cant stand the fact that she doesnt give up.. she know;s who she is...
-Name of First love: Ennio Gonzalez
-Current Realtionship Status: not sure?

-Ten Random things about you-
1. I hate pickels
2. I only like to go to school to socialize
3. My favorite Disney character is Tigger!
4. I attend Miami Killian I GRADUATE THIS YEAR!!!
5. I love DANCING
7. I drink but not a heavy drinker..
8. I've been high and I've been drunk! plenty of times
9. I've been to ORLANDO 38197359108 times with MY BESTFIEND

- If there was one thing u could change about you what would it be- i would change the fact that im a veryyyy wierd person...n that i fall to quick 4 a good guy,.and my ... legs and other things...
- Are they're any past realtionships you reagret or wish you could have done differntly- yessssssssssssssss b.c i know i would still be with my ex but shit happen.. I hate being Celosa!! =X
- What is your deepest darkest sceret: 4 me to know.. n u to fuck off.. haha j;k dun worry thou
- Why are you doing this: Cause I AM BORED
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