Im Happy

Jul 04, 2005 02:48

well where do I starT? I never expected to say thing but dam Im Freaking HAppy. I never new that one night hanging Out with my bestfriend janiris would change everything. let me start janiris was here a couple weeks ago and we went to this party and met up with my friend mOnkey and 2 other guy witch now 1 of them is My Boyfriend =D. well yea I met him and he asked me for my # and everything he called =O.] it was so cute.. hehe! so we went on a couple of dates and he asked me out on 7-02-05 man Im so happy. like he makes me smile. everytime he see`s me down. he makes me laugh. and w/e I told him about Ennio and Brian b/c those were the 2 guys that did a HUGE impact in my life. so everything is cool. =D and what else yesterday I met he`s parents. and it was pretty cool. today He invited me to eat @ his house with the family witch was pretty cool. he`s parents are pretty str8. and w/e tomorrow im going to the beach with him. and with his sister and her bOyfriend. so were doubleing. =D @ night were going with her sister and her man were going to double date =D so that is pretty str8. Im soo happy i met this guy he makes me Happy. i dont have to worrry about anything. I he does care about me. from what I know. =D but i know he`s the One for know!! and I care aLot about himmm... well im out this was just a lil Update..

Btw. HAppY JuLy 4th tO everyOne. muahhhhhhhz

<3 always Diana

Diana -n- RoLLy
;D 7-02-05 ;D
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