
Jun 20, 2003 21:24

so for some reason I always have places to go on weeknights, but come Friday, at least for the past few weeks I've found myself on the couch watching a movie. which I'm not complaining about, because I often don't understand the "it's Friday - i have to go out" mentality, but tonight I actually want to go out and do stuff. blasted waiting for 5 more days.

in other news...

today i was just relaxing in the courtyard of my apartment building, and being quite reflective. for some reason when it's so beautiful out as it is/was today i get very pensive about the world and it's ways. anyway...since it's my birthday coming up next week, i was trying to think of the biggest moments in or during my life that have shaped me who i am right now. hopefully, i'll save these so when i'm sixty i can see what had a big impact on me at 21.

here are just a few...the top few anyway...because some of them are personal and private and i don't feel like sharing at this point.

1. My mom's breast cancer diagnosis - I'm sure this doesn't take much explaining to have you understand, but it really shaped the relationship i have with my parents, particularly, and obviously, my mom. also it made me realize the fragility of life, and making sure that those you care about know you do so.
2. Meeting Steve - while it sounds all cutesy, I am definitely a different person now than when I met him. A few of you are sure to remember my negative "i hate boys" phase, which steve quickly brought me out of in a hurry. Our two and a half years have been absolutely wonderful, and have taught me innumerable things about relationships and life in general.
3. Becoming friends with Erin and Andy - this one should actually be tied for second because both have really stuck by me for the past 4 or 5 years. they've been my friend even when i've annoyed them, told them i was too tired to go out and do something, and even came to visit me when i was cleaning my room.
4. all the traveling i've done...especially to London and New York. I love going places and seeing new things, and observing the culture of the places. It's always a learning experience and I truly enjoy it. London provided the most learning experience being that I was in a completely different country with awful food. But it was a wonderful trip, and I would like to go back again.
5. Graduating from high school and going to college. while graduating from high school isn't as big as graduating from college will be, it is still a milestone thus far in my life. mostly because i was so ready for the next stage in my life, and graduation ended it and my first weekend in college began it. Meeting Emily, Lizzy and Lyssa is included in that - because I really met them the first weekend here. And now i'm quite happy they are my friends and I enjoy living with them!

If you want...I would love to hear other peoples defining moments/experiences of their lives - feel free to post them in my comments!

I have some stuff to get done, so I'm off. Have a great night everyone!
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