Alice Lewis Indostan

May 12, 2009 01:27

Бывает, пишешь, пишешь и вдруг наступает такая степень опьянения, что начинаешь ржать сама от себя, дразниться, ехидничать в ответ собственным мыслям - в общем что-то невообразимое творится - как сейчас, когда я за целый день просто ОШАЛЕЛА от этой АЛИСЫ, которую угораздило очутиться в Индии на ритрите, где она собиралась избавляться от своих навязчивых фантазий, и опять вляпалась в какую-то невероятную шмакозябру. фуууууухххххх. Вот публикую то, что есть - неотредактированное с чудовищными провалами в грамматике - но я просто БОЛЬШЕ НЕ МОГУ!!!! может быть потом может быть ооооооооооо poor alice, poor ann begs your pardon... i can't it anymore oooooooooooooo


Alice was beginning to get very happy of sitting now alone (without
any sister, any book and its author) and nothing doing except keeping
her eyes closed and back straight in this hot indian midday
(passing the course of meditation in one of their centers)
when SUDDENLY a white Rabbit with Pink Eyes appeared... in her Mind
(let's write it wih the MAIN letter - as an adult Mind has become
respectable person in her ---teen)

There was nothing too very remarkable in that: she had been seen it
not for one time in her previous life of small pretty girl (and a lot
of lives before) even with a watch, waistcoat, with gloves and some
butter.... - but NOW - she was very surprised to see the same RABBIT
with a Great Black Hole in its HANDS - with an excellent inscription: USE ME.
O! thought Alice. By the use of this Thing she could reach Wonderland last time!
But THIS TIME It was the Thing that led just to the Rabbit -inside!...
and what did it mean???
It's worth to say about Alice - she became grown-up and had a big
luggage-knowledge in her head. She could give rise to ingenious
(cunning) brain-chains. But she has decided not to do that NOW and
HERE -because she HAD to keep silence and stay in deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
meditation.......... So she closed her eyes an said to herself: GO AWAY!
and... not opening the eyes (не открывая глаз), she saw herself - GOING
AWAY- just in the direction of RABBIT!!!!

What are you doing, POOR GIRL??? said Alice to Alice
But Fairy-tale has begun and she could do nothing... with the
Wonderful Mind who created ALL THIS!...

In two big jumps Alice reached the rabbit and popped inside the Hole-in-Rabbit...STOP!
what about this mark: USE ME???

Last fairy-tale it could mean EAT ME or DRINK ME( but Rabbit wasn't a liquid,so she couldn' t drink it) аnd if she would EAT IT
By the way DO NOT FORGET: Alice lived in INDIA.
It was the Reason she could not EAT RABBIT.

Alice considered:
If I put myself inside the rabbit it would appear that Rabbit had eaten ME!.. Indeed this fairy-tale may be composed such way.

The next moment Alice has thrown herself iNTO the Hole-in-Rabbit (as a GarbagE is thrown to the trash-can) and falled dawn, never considering how in this wonderful world she was to get out again.

All the time ALICE - real ALICE - was watching for IT with WILDLY opened EYES - non-stopping her interior meditation but just observing this wonderful Game of her Mind.
She rised up and came to Rabbit. It was nothing more than a Garbage-Bin with a Big Black Hole for Big litter -so big that it could seat the Girl...
SHE has shaken it and heard a sound.
She looked down and found a small square door just in the place of the Rabbit- Tail (the Fairy-Tale is continued as you see))

What's there? - tried to guess Alice. She really become VERY INTELLIGENT and needed some brain movement and brilliant thinking to draw the conclusion.
What do I know about the BLACK HOLES - it is Something that turns Everyhing to Anything.
To be honest, the scientists know Nothing about it for sure.
So NOW I HAVE a great chance to CHECK IT and quite possible make a DISCOVERY!!!!
Неr inquisitive mind had passion for solving problems and doing sums.

What do we have: A GIRL, Name- Alice, AGE- -teen
What is the action? a Girl puts herself into the Black Hole - where the Matter becomes AntiMatter
What is the result? Alice becomes her...Antipathy...oh ANTIPOD

Oh! poor Alice! I like you so much! But If you become AntiAlice it's possible that I'll dislike you (she was rather glad there was no one listening this time, as she didn't want to be considered as a mad girl who spoke with herself and had an inferiority complex)... be continued (that's only beginning)

help me

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