Jan 15, 2007 23:35
I went here to see if I had anything on my mind that I wanted to share/spill.
And it's been a few minutes since I've opened this page, but nothing really came to mind. So I thought I'd start typing to get the juices flowing. Not sure if it's working. Maybe talking about my day.
I work every weekday for my father/family business, we own mobile home parks. My job for the past three weeks ultimately involved painting the inside of a used mobile home. You probably think painting isn't so bad, or it's easy. Like having on huge wet crayon effortlessly stick a wall or ceiling, fun huh. Well, that's what I always think before I start. And five minutes in I remember how not fun it is.
It's actually pretty hard after a few hours. I had to paint a bedroom's ceiling twice, it's walls twice, another bedroom's walls twice, a bathroom ceiling that I could barely reach, (I had to put a bucket on the toilet seat lol), the hallway wall twice, the living room 3 times (the first coat was KILZ, stuff that lets paint stick to wall paper, looks like paint though. the other 2 were paint of course), the kitchen ceiling, the hallway ceiling, back door entrance ceiling, and huge living room ceiling twice. Now, I'll let you know that painting a ceiling is like 4 times harder. You're always looking up so it hurts your neck, and have to push a lot harder on the roller's pole. I got those hard calouses on my hands where you grip things.
But that was just painting. I also had to sheetrock (which is a brand name, not a product) the holes in the walls, tape the molding around the windows and ceiling (and its kind of hard to make tape go Straight sometimes :p ), and then clean up the paint that seeped behind the tape when I was done painting.
Sometimes the work was a little daunting, my dad gave me chore after chore to accomplish everyday and always checkingg my work, and you know.. after a few hours of mind-numbing painting sometimes you leave work feeling dumber. At the beginning all I had was th radio to listen to. Work was really lonely. Soon a worker named DJ came in, but he was doing the more manly jobs, like replacing the water heater, fixing the door, and making a floor. He's a nice guy, looks 24 but he's almost 30. We don't talk a lot, but we had a conversation today. The best part was going to lunch with my dad though, even if it was BurgerKing almost everyday (yeah I saw you there every day too KT), it was good to spend some time with my dad. He's a smart guy. And I guess I learned a lot from the job too.
I think by the time I go back to Potsdam I'll have made $400+, but that's with working like 5 hour days getting paid $8 an hour. Not bad? I say it's better than staying on your butt all day being bored.
But I'm ready to stop this job and go back to see my friends, be allowed to take naps, sleep in on weekends, and get off this couch.