Sep 27, 2003 20:15
So, I never thought I'd use "sweet and innocent" to describe Sean Bean, but I find myself doing so after watching "Stormy Monday." The movie is HORIFIC, mind you, but Sean was really wonderful. Yeah, he has some bad-ass tendencies (he does end up shooting somebody), but over all, he's really v. boyish in this film. Hate Melanie Grifith, not that impressed with Tommy Lee Jones, Sting was ok. Soundtrack terrifying. Plot utterly baffling. For instance: why the hell are there shots of an old man dancing in a parade interspersed with sex scenes? I just don't get it. I DO, however, get Sean's ass. It is a beautiful thing to behold. *sigh*
Am done packing personal belongings, with the exception of clothing. Think I will start on the kitchen next.
Am having dinner with the parental unit on Monday. God help me. Had to call to see if I could get some paperwork from them and my dad was really negative about it. I was really missing him for a few days, but talking to him took care of that. Guess this will make it that much easier to leave. Will also be visiting my great grandmother on Monday. Can't believe she'll be 96 in November. And she's still in wonderful health - not even in a nursing home!
OK - off for a walk. Was v. hot today, but is finally cooling off and I'm restless.