Mar 25, 2011 00:37
I'm glad to see some things haven't changed, huh?
[Warden Filter]
I want access to the 'CES' for a bit, alright? Just a few hours. No more.
Can't one you warden types take me?
[Inmate Filter]
You lot seem to be fighting as much as ever. Where's the hierarchy, huh? Group can't succeed without one dem leaders or some sort of ranking system.
business with my inmates,
barge is no africa huh,
business w dem government
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If an agreeable structure were produced, I would not be opposed. [He wouldn't mind at least some divisions into smaller groups himself.] At the very least a sort of "buddy system" [In a rare inflection, he practically says the quotes.]. Another inmate saved me from the condition of being someone's cannon fodder.
[Because he's paranoid. Talking about relying on inmates for partnerships for safety is one thing. Vague hints at legitimate organized conspiracy is another.] Even information can be a useful resource.
What are you looking for, my friend?
However, it's an arrangement I wouldn't be opposed to pursuing, depending on what you might need in return.
I don't need anything in return right now, huh? If you want to make a deal to look out for each other, I'd be willing to entertain the idea.
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