Aug 16, 2008 05:19
Now please let me sleep under your bridge!
I promise to wash the dishes regularly,
And let the dog out, if you have one.
New shoes new shoes new shoes!
I am assailed by gravitas,
Ancient Romans marrying at
Telling me that I must uphold the Dignity
of the Republic
through my Words and Deeds and
yes, tutoring their children in those arcane Greek
sciences of abstraction that they
Don't really understand.
And I have new shoes.
I promise they won't track much dirt
In the space
Under the stairs
If you let me sleep there.
Oh, for the love of
Get away from me, you togaed preachers
Who marry off children
Before the advent of supercaloried early-puberty diets!
Why are you looking at me like that?
I'm not yet
Blurring the line
That you draw in your head
Between the virtuous who are rewarded with wealth by God Almighty
And the unvirtuous who were
For their predestined - or we could even make that past-life