[fic]Strawberry Yoghurt Kiss

Mar 26, 2009 23:42

Title: Strawberry Yogurt Kiss
Author: diamondsofsix
Beta: girlearthless
Prompt: Notice
Disclaimer: Not mine, not mine, not mine
Rating: R to NC-17(eventually)
Pairing: Yosu (Yasu/Yoko)
Words: 3,350
Warning: Contain elements of D/s relationship.
A/N: This is the first part of what is most probably going to become a multichaptered fic, or at the very least divided into several parts. In short: it's gonna be continued.

Summary: Working late hours on their project together it is nearly inevitable that their relationship dip into deeper waters. Yet to be discovered sides reveal themselves and perhaps strawberry yoghurt is more addictive than first presumed.

‘Are you busy now?’

‘Nope, I am completely free.’

‘Then let’s talk Kicchu!’

Yasu’s voice was enthusiastic and giggly and Yoko couldn’t help but smile a bit on his end of the phone. Sitting comfortably in the blue couch with his legs up on the low coffee table, Yoko was trying not to indulge in the beer calling enticingly from the fridge. He wasn’t doing too well, in that regard.

‘Aren’t you tired? I thought you had rehearsals…’ wondered Yoko who hadn’t been doing anything more specific than recomen that day but was still kind of beat. It was nearing two a.m. and he had to admit he’d been surprised when he received the e-mail from Yasu wondering whether it was okay to call.

‘No! But I listened to the show today and you didn’t mention me at all…’ trailed Yasu off in what sounded like a pout, making Yoko envision a wobbly under lip and puppy-dog eyes.

‘I don’t always talk about you,’ huffed Yoko, irritated. ‘Why the hell should I?’

‘Dunno…’ answered Yasu at length and the silence stretched out, but Yoko didn’t feel like breaking it for him. ‘It’s always so difficult not talking about recording and stuff when it has to be secret, y’know? Don’t you think so?’

‘Not really,’ lied Yoko, but regretted it at once. He didn’t particularly like to lie, and least of all to Yasu since it made him feel guilty, as if he was taking milk away from a kitten.

‘Oh… well. Hmmm.’ Yasu’s enthusiasm was dampened, and scratching at a dirty spot on his slacks Yoko searched for something to say to lighten up the mood again.

‘Have you finished the notes already?’ he asked, assuming that was why Yasu had called in the first place. They were more or less done with their project together, but the contact between them hadn’t dwindled. Yasu kept on calling and asking for Yoko’s advice on this and that, always excusing himself by claiming it concerned Kicchu, which nine out of ten times, it did not. Yoko didn’t mind.

‘Nope!’ chirped Yasu, returning back to his original enthusiasm. ‘There’s like this song I wrote though, with two different versions and I wanted you to hear them, so you could see if you liked one more than the other and things. I just kinda need a bit of help on that. What d’you think?’

Pushing out his jaw Yoko tried to follow Yasu’s energetic talk and bit back a sarcastic retort in favour of considering it seriously. He didn’t quite understand why Yasu had called so late if it wasn’t for something he could help solve right then and there. If all he wanted was to let Yoko hear one of his new songs he could have sent an e-mail and asked for them to arrange a meeting. At two in the morning there wasn’t much that could be done on Yoko’s part.

‘What do you want me to do?’ he asked with a sigh, completely at a loss.

‘I figured I’d come over and play for you!’ said Yasu brightly, ‘you’re in your apartment in Tokyo now, right?’

‘Yasuda-san,’ began Yoko as reasonably as he possibly could. ‘It’s in the middle of the fucking night.’

There was silence, a bit of static as if someone was changing the ear they had the phone on, and then more silence.

‘Yes?’ answered Yasu in a question, probably just as confused by Yoko’s hesitance as Yoko was by his straightforwardness.

‘Don’t you ever sleep?’ asked Yoko and laughed even if he was feeling quite annoyed. ‘You don’t do you; you’re some kind of super human. Ah, sorry, super chimpanzee. Little Chipa: the Super Chimpanzee-’

Yasu giggled at him and Yoko couldn’t help but laugh along. He liked his own humour; he was witty and monkeys were cute.

‘I can’t sleep while I still have unfinished work like this, with all the ideas,’ explained Yasu, and to emphasize his statement Yoko heard him plunk a few guitar strings in the background. ‘All the melodies and stuff, and I can’t sleep because I think like “ah, would that fit better?” and then I have to get up and try it out and there is no point going to bed to begin with.’

‘You work very hard and you’re quite amazing,’ admitted Yoko. ‘But not everyone has that problem, you know?’

‘Oh… you were asleep? You said it was okay if I called!’

‘Of course you can call whenever you like,’ answered Yoko and stifled a yawn, suddenly painfully aware of the time. ‘But it’s not usual to visit people in the middle of the night like this.’

‘It isn’t?’ Yasuda sounded genuinely surprised.


‘But I visit Shibuyan all the time…’

‘That is different; you and Subaru are different like that.’

‘We are?’


‘Hmm… so is it okay if I come?’

Yoko gave an exasperated sigh as he heaved himself up from the warm couch and padded into the kitchen to get one of those alluring beers. It seemed like he would need it.

‘Yes. You can come.’

It took about half an hour before the buzzer signaled Yasu’s arrival and Yoko had had the time to fall asleep on the couch. Swearing at himself and how easily persuaded he was he let the all too bright and awake man into his apartment. Yasu smelled of light perfume and frost. It had been unusually warm that winter, but lately the nights had become colder again. Yasu’s smile nearly split his face in two as he put the guitar bag down on the floor and began ripping off his retina-assaulting outerwear.

‘How do you expect to do this?’ asked Yoko holding the rapidly warming beer in his hand, it was his second. ‘Do you think you’re allowed to sleep here?’

‘I brought my toothbrush,’ answered Yasu unconcerned while tugging off his boots. Yoko wanted to say something sarcastic, but instead he just jutted out his jaw and drained the last of his beer. He was used to having overnight guests, so it wasn’t as if he couldn’t handle it.

‘Don’t you have rehearsals tomorrow?’ continued Yoko to prod, trying to make Yasu understand the flaw in his plan, but he only shook his head eagerly.

‘I do not!’ he said and carried the guitar into the living room. ‘So we can do this all day too! Ah, your apartment is so cute!’

Yoko followed Yasu into the living room and watched him poke at the Monster Hunter figurines, his pride, standing on top of the television.

‘Yasuda…’ he began, but had to trail off in awe of Yasu’s stupidity. ‘If you have tomorrow off, why did you come here now?’

‘Hmmm?’ Yasu turned his head to look at him; the innocence on his face a complete lie. Shaking his head and berating himself again for being so easily tricked, Yoko fell back into the couch and put the beer on the table with a hollow clunk.

‘If you just wanted someone to hang with couldn’t you have asked Subaru or some of your new friends from the play?’ asked Yoko and rubbed at his eyes tiredly. If he was to be completely honest with himself he was quite surprised Yasu had chosen him for company of all people,

‘No, I wanted to show you now,’ answered Yasu stubbornly and pursed his lips in a way Yoko supposed Yasu believed to be cute. The guitarcase leaning up against the couch had a vast variety of colourful stickers and stuffed toys in form of cellphone straps, but the guitar Yasu revealed was curiously bare and professional. Sitting down with it on his lap, Yasu began plunking on random strings, adjusting the screws at the head and muttering about bad weather to take your guitar out in. Eventually he flexed his fingers, looked up to make sure Yoko was giving him his full attention, coughed once or twice, nodded, and then began to play.

There was a subtle change in Yasu’s face when he played. Yoko couldn’t really describe it, but it was a certain calm confidence one didn’t see there too often. It was in how he mastered his instrument, how he bent his head to lovingly gaze at the work he was doing and the soft rhythm he counted with his entire body. With anyone else Yoko would have been embarrassed to be an audience to something so personal. The first few times Yasu had wanted to play for him he had felt quite uncomfortable, now that it was just the two of them and he couldn’t rely on Subaru to make the comments and compliments. He had been at a loss on how to give a proper response that Yasu would enjoy, but had eventually understood that all he wanted was for someone to listen.

The energy and effort Yasu threw into his art was something Yoko envied, but also greatly admired. He was proud of his boys and how they were growing up to become fine men. Having spent so much time talking to and working with Yasu, Yoko had come to notice this applied to him more than anyone else.

‘You’re smiling,’ commented Yasu while he continued playing, and he was smiling too. ‘Do you like it? I also thought of doing it like this…’

The melody changed a fraction and became slightly more up-beat and spirited, and Yoko found he liked it a great deal. He indicated for Yasu to continue playing while he headed into the kitchen and got two new beers. It wasn’t healthy to drink this late at night, especially not on his diet, but he had a guest and it would be impolite not to treat him.

‘You liked the last one the most, right?’ asked Yasu and accepted the beer gratefully even if he didn’t usually drink that kind of beverage. ‘Thank you!’

‘I did,’ agreed Yoko feeling the calming drink numb his tired body and he yawned again. ‘The first one was very melodious, but the second is catchier. ’

‘I think so too! I am happy you like it, Yokocho.’

The night went on and Yasu was showing no signs of wanting to go to sleep. He chatted away merrily about complicated arrangements and Yoko found he understood, and cared, less and less as he grew tipsier. By his fifth beer he had decided that he was going to bed, and that Yasu could sit and play his guitar all he wanted. Alone.

Early in the morning he woke up next to a warm presence sighing in contentment oddly close to him. Fighting through his sleep and alcohol induced haze he eventually realized that the alien presence was Yasu who had snuggled up to him in bed. He vaguely wondered whether he should have gotten up to find a futon, some sheets and to ready the couch, but fell asleep again before the thought fully finished.

It was too bright and Yoko screwed his eyes shut in annoyance, pressing his face into the pillow. A few seconds ticked by as he held his breath before letting it out in an exasperated huff. He had overslept completely. Tossing a gaze in the direction of the alarm clock he found he was right. If the sun was high enough to shine in through his bedroom window it meant it was far past noon. Rolling out of bed he carved a hand through his unruly hair, avoided the mirror and put on the same pair of slacks he had worn yesterday. The dirty spot on his left thigh still annoyed him when he saw it, but he was too lazy to find anything else.

The bed was empty of any Yasu and Yoko wondered for half a moment if the man had already left, but all his clothes were carelessly thrown around on his floor so he supposed he was still there. Poking his head into the kitchen, Yoko found him leaning up against the counter and sporting only a pair of pink boxers with baby-blue robots holding little smiling hearts. The second thing he noticed was the yoghurt container he was busy removing the lid from.

‘That is mine,’ informed Yoko possessively. He had more of them, but it was his yoghurt. Yasu looked up at him in surprise, already having dipped the spoon into it and was lifting it to his mouth.

‘I figured since you had so many it didn’t matter if I took one?’ smiled Yasu disarmingly and licked at the spoon, humming in pleasure. ‘I love strawberry yoghurt!’

‘You can’t even eat properly. There’s yoghurt all over your face,’ scolded Yoko and raised his hand, using his thumb to wipe away the yoghurt on Yasu’s upper lip. The surprise on Yasu’s face made him realize what he was doing and in shock Yoko forgot to remove the finger. Unexpectedly Yasu darted out a pink tongue to lick at the sticky sweetness and finished it with a light peck.

Something twisted itself inside out in Yoko’s stomach and he didn’t know whether he wanted to be sick or to laugh. Mostly he wanted to do both at once. The corners of his mouth turned upwards in a questioning smile as he waited for the joke to be revealed, but the seriousness on Yasu’s face made it freeze. The shorter man was looking up at him with dark eyes that pierced right through his own, lips still on the finger Yoko was unable to remove. Even if he was physically the tallest he suddenly felt like he was a lot smaller.

Yasu put a hand on his chest and pushed forcefully, making Yoko lose balance and fall down heavily on the chair behind him. Now able to look down on him Yasu caressed his cheek with butterfly touches, trailing a line from his lips, along his cheekbone and into his hair where he suddenly grabbed a fistful forcefully, making Yoko catch his breath in surprise. With the other hand he held Yoko’s chin hard and tipped his head upwards. Yoko had no choice but to look up into Yasu’s stern face, which was now completely devoid of the childish boy that had made Yoko feel superior before.

There was a tinge of fear as he realized that the strength of Yasu’s grip made him unable to move his head, but the most curious thing was how the sickness had settled into a feeling of expectation that dominated nearly everything else. Expectation and wonderment at what Yasu could do to him. The concentration in Yasu’s eyes as he studied him, and how he stared him down like a submissive dog, had his heart beating so harshly all he could hear was the rushing of blood in his ears.

Leaning down, Yasu kissed him. The balance of power and compassion in the kiss was overwhelming and Yoko wanted to strain up to meet him, but the hold kept him firmly in place. Yasu scraped his teeth against Yoko’s lips and nibbled at them until it became painful before pressing an index finger and thumb in between his jaws, forcing his mouth open. A warm tongue tasting of strawberry yoghurt glided into Yoko’s waiting mouth. Closing his eyes he became completely divided between the pain in his scalp from the harsh grip and the sensuality in the kiss. Still holding tight, Yasu straddled his lap and put one knee up on the available space on the seat. By letting all his weight rest on Yoko he was ultimately rendering him immobile. The new position was so intimate it was assaulting all of Yoko’s senses, crossing all the borders he had ever put up between himself and the ones he considered his friends.

Letting temptation get the better of him, Yoko hesitantly moved his left hand a fraction and brushed by the muscular thigh so close to him. Yasu’s skin was feverishly hot despite his lack of clothing and covered in hair that felt surprisingly soft. The mere thought that he was touching Yasu in such a forbidden way sent thrills through Yoko’s already painfully pumping veins.

His fingers grew bolder and explored further before he eventually grabbed his thigh with his whole hand and moved it upwards to the edge of Yasu’s boxers. Losing confidence there, even if it seemed ever so alluring, Yoko rather placed it on the broad back where it was marginally safer. The skin underneath his gently touching fingers twitched and Yoko began to caress it instead.

With all his concentration on the exploration of skin Yoko didn’t notice the breaking of the kiss until Yasu leaned back and the heat disappeared. His heart had calmed down from the furious beat to a slow, steady pump, which was so heavy he was certain Yasu could hear it. Brushing a thumb over Yoko’s sore lips a small smile crossed Yasu's face before it settled into an expression of studied concentration.

Turning, he leaned over and picked up the yoghurt and spoon he had placed on the kitchen table when he first pushed Yoko down on the chair. He never took his eyes off of Yoko as he proceeded to dip the spoon into the light pink yoghurt and licked at it.

‘Hmmm,’ he hummed again in pleasure and gave yet another small smile. ‘Are you hungry?’

Yoko wasn’t really, not anymore, so he shook his head carefully, not entirely certain whether it was the answer Yasu really wanted, or why he cared so much about giving the right answers to begin with.

‘But it’s good,’ insisted Yasu sternly and licking at another spoonful he left half of it, bringing it up to Yoko’s lips. ‘Open.’

Yoko obeyed instantly, letting Yasu feed him the strawberry yoghurt. Usually it would not have been his favourite, but eating it like this made it taste so much sweeter. The way Yasu studied him in every detail while he continued to feed him made Yoko feel oddly naked, even if he was the one with the most clothing on. There was a crease between Yasu’s eyebrows while he sat in deep thought, sucking on the spoon with his eyes continuing to pierce right into Yoko’s core.

Yasu must have been just as surprised by their sudden intimacy as him, figured Yoko. Perhaps he was trying to think through the situation and what this could mean in the future. Not only had they crossed that fine line between friendship and something all together more forbidden, they had both admitted to something they normally would have denied at every opportunity; they fancied boys and they fancied each other. Or at the very least, there had been something there which neither of them had been able, nor wanted, to stop. Yoko hadn’t even been aware of it being there previously, but he was unable to feel any regret.

The yoghurt was finished and Yasu leaned down and licked Yoko’s lips, presumably because there was something left there. Yoko raised his head further and was bold enough to give him a kiss. He wanted to let Yasu know that he was consenting to it, that he wanted more. The plea in Yoko’s hesitant kiss melted something in Yasu and he wrapped his arms around him, forcing their lips even closer together. Clutching Yasu’s broad shoulders, their kiss became sloppy and wet, sometimes deep, sometimes shallow. Yasu trailed kisses across Yoko’s forehead and cheek before returning to his lips and chewing lightly on them. The weight of him was starting to become painful, but Yoko didn’t mind all that much, he was too distracted by the hands and teeth and tongue roaming all over every bit of exposed skin he had. Eventually Yasu kissed the top of Yoko’s head and rested his cheek on it, hugging him tight.

Yoko didn’t know what to do with this new turn of events or how, or mostly if it was going to develop at all in the future. But if he didn’t give it much thought it was quite perfect, for now.

yasu/yoko, yokoyama, yasuda shota, fanfiction, multichaptered, diamondsofsix:k8kattun

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