Jan 23, 2006 21:04
Okay so I went back to school today because I had to take my Math exam and my makeup English. Math was soo difficult.I couldn't believe it. The english was actually pretty good. I paced myself and made okay time. Multiple choice waqs okay but worth nothing. now about my illness, I thoguht that I was getting better but I was really sick this morning. Put on a happy face for school but I felt sick through both my exams, like I was going to throw up. I had trouble breathing at points and I really didn;t want to stay for rehearsal but I figured I had to considering. So, I had a doctors appointment scheduled for this evening but my doctor wasnt there. Luckily, they fit me in with another doctor. Well, luck was on my side. The doctor was my ex girlfriends mother who had always liked me. So she was really easy to talk to so the did a bunch of tests, took alot of blood, and lots of other stuff. Most of the test came out negative thought the pnemonia one had a 75% range of error so she thinks I might have it. So she gave me a nebulizer, which was a huge inhaler that has a mask that you put over your face to help you breathe. She said that there was something seriously wrong with my lungs and that I was really weezing. So she gave me an inhaler and some more medicine. Plus, she gave me another doctors note to get out of exams. I'm currently breathing somewhat poorly but atleast I'm getting some deep breathes. Im taking Ap euro tomorrow morning, but not the french makeup. I seem to be getting worst AGAIN and I;ve been feeling dizzy lately.