loveless: precursor

May 07, 2010 00:19

this farted out of my system on the way back from iron man 2. |D movie so much fun, just like kick ass. :'D omfg, downey jr~~~ (when i grow up i want to wear eyeliner like that man, no joke.) it is a bit useless, but i wanted to write. no brain for a battle yet, but. eventually.

also, i got mail from mousi. ♥♥ with a ewetube card (LOL), sticker kisufish and rubber dinosaur bands jkkjkjkakwe. man, they remind me of japan. :'D softbank used to give out one free when you bought something off them. [i think last time, i got a duck. xD;;] thank youuu~ :D :D ♥

totsuka, fujigaya: precursor
set shortly after the original sleepless bit. G; 1200w

Fujigaya was too old for pouts, Totsuka was fairly sure, by some number of years. But that didn't stop him from doing it anyway. Half burrowed into Goseki's covers, he directed a petulant look Totsuka's way. "I thought we were friends. Why didn't you tell me?"

Totsuka smiled. Toyed with the edge of the linens on Fujigaya's own bed. "I didn't go out of my way to keep it from you, Taisuke. Or anybody. You just didn't ask." They're talking about Kitayama's unexpected arrival. And the fact that nobody knew who the hell he was for a good three days.

Fujigaya frowned. "You totally should've told me! It's unreasonable to have expected me to ask. You-I mean…"

Totsuka chuckled. "I've been just me for a very long time, right? And to ask might have been offensive?"


"Taisuke~" Totsuka closed one eye. "And here I thought we were friends."

"Don't twist my words," Fujigaya grumbled. And added after a beat: "Or change the subject. Why didn't you tell me?"

Totsuka went silent for a long moment, allowing his thoughts (for what they were) to play over his face. Fujigaya let him ponder, tracing crop circles in the sheets.

At least for a little while.


Totsuka chuckled. Fujigaya hated silence after all. "I don't know, Taisuke," he said honestly. "I just felt like it. Like having him to myself for a little while, while I could, I suppose you could say. I'm selfish sometimes."

Fujigaya rolled his eyes. "You're a sacrifice, of course you are."

"What do you mean by that?" Totsuka asked. He was genuinely curious. They hadn't really discussed things like this before; it had been awkward, too personal, inclusive, exclusive. But now that he had Kitayama…

"You guys just take," Fujigaya said. He pillowed his head on his arms, staring somewhere past Totsuka's shoulder. "It's not fair. We-a fighter can't live without his sacrifice, you know? You have all of us, and everything else, and we can't even…" He made a frustrated noise, looking away, brows drawn. "During battles, we can't even share the burden. Take any of the damage."

Totsuka's looked across the room with soft eyes. Fujigaya was a confident fighter usually, sharp and powerfully eloquent; but like this, curled up incongruously large on the end of Goseki's bed like a child annoyed with the workings of the world… it was cute. "You know Goseki-kun wouldn't see it that way."

Fire snapped through Fujigaya's sudden glare. "That is exactly my problem with him! He'd laugh at me for even thinking it."

Totsuka shook his head, reining in his amusement. "Would you like me to talk to him about it? This selfishness. I can tell him, you know, without mentioning this."

"No… don't," Fujigaya sighed, deflating. "He already thinks sentimentality makes me too soft."

Totsuka raised a brow, surprised. "He's said so?"

"No," Fujigaya said again. Flopping onto his back, he draped an arm over his eyes against the ceiling light. "And it doesn't show on his perfect little pokerface either, but I can feel it. There's this spike of annoyance when I go easy. He's kind of… He gives so little away, even to me. But that means I can definitely tell when it's there at all, you know?"

"I understand," Totsuka said. But then let his mouth quirk up into a smile. "It must be hard, but you really shouldn't worry about any damage he may take. You are soft, Taisuke. He's definitely the stronger one."

Fujigaya scowled. "That isn't what I wanted to hear."

Totsuka laughed. "Then how about this: You're one of the most skilled fighters in residence at this Academy. It's a rare opponent that could get under your defences."

"That's more like a compliment," Fujigaya said. Although lopsided, his grin was more like his normal self.

Totsuka added mildly, "Hiromitsu and I, though…" The smile he looked up with was a rare one, steel-edged behind the teasing.

Fujigaya raised a brow. "Really, Tottsu?"

"Yes," Totsuka said. "Ruthless should watch out. We won't rest 'til we get what we're after."

"That's… that's not the meaning of your name," Fujigaya said, looking up at Totsuka through his bangs. He sounded uncertain though.

"It's a name, Taisuke," Totsuka told him. "It is us, and therefore is whatever we make it."

"And there you go talking as if you've been doing this longer than I have," Fujigaya said, wry.

Totsuka bowed his head, smiling a concession. "I had a lot of time for thinking while you were all out doing, is all."

"I'm not offended," Fujigaya said. "But you know, that Kitayama. He hasn't even been through any serious training yet. He's new. And old. No offence, but wordspells are a way of life. How's he even going to take to the new tricks?"

"He's pretty strong," Totsuka replied. "And he's been through a lot, so the images at his disposal are both clear and varied."

"It's one thing to just conjure up an image," Fujigaya countered. "Another entirely to make a decent attack out of it."

"He's got a way with words," Totsuka smiled. "You'll see what I mean eventually."

Fujigaya made a noise of annoyance. "The sooner the better, right? So why don't we fight. You two versus me on Auto. As Ruthless, Gocchi and I would wipe the floor with you, but this way maybe you'll have a chance to last more than thirty seconds."

Totsuka laughed aloud. "Really, Taisuke? I think you'd want to wait. It would be embarrassing if you lost to the untrained-new-old guy, Auto or no."

"You… really think you could beat me," Fujigaya said, a statement almost surprised. He raised a brow.

Totsuka smiled. "Yes. And if Hiromitsu and I work together a little longer, build our name's reputation a bit first, you'd have a fair excuse even if you lost."

Fujigaya scoffed, "You've got to be joking." But then paused and gave Totsuka a long, flat stare. "You're serious."

Totsuka grinned. "Yes."

"That's it, Tottsu. That is it. Next time I see your fighter, I am challenging him one on one."

"I wouldn't recommend that either," Totsuka said, pleased. "Hiromitsu's night spells are already fairly powerful."

"I know plenty of diffusions and light-based counterattacks," Fujigaya said. "I-why am I defending my abilities to you?"

Totsuka laughed. "Because it's not all about the spells, Taisuke," he reminded. "This is where Goseki complements your skills: you're too easily riled. An effective hit…"

"Is a hit where it hurts," Fujigaya finished, rolling his eyes. "I hate it when you guys are right."

"It's an annoying habit," Totsuka admitted. "Particularly of Goseki-kun's. I apologise."

Fujigaya snorted. "You'll be apologising alright, when I wipe the floor with you and your Hiromitsu."

"Oh~ come now, Taisuke," Totuska smiled, pulling the blankets up over his shoulders. "We just became a pair. Don't think us so ready to start losing already, because we really, really, really aren't."

au: loveless

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