all the best

Aug 11, 2009 12:51

this was originally a commentfic here in mousi's journal, after news about kismai's solo cons broke (moreover, the way it broke xD). i added bits and stuff, but it's still not much. :D i just needed to get it out of my system really badly. 8D kjhawe KKKity. KISMAI.

All the best

722 words; G-rated.

"You really did know, didn't you? It's why you've been smirking all week!" Kitayama accuses, eyes narrowed. He's smiling though. In the confines of their shared dressing room it's safe to be something other than strictly professional.

Fujigaya hangs up his costume jacket, all over smug. "I'll never tell, and you can't make me."

Playing up the smirk thing now that he's been called on it earns him a punch to the shoulder, but Fujigaya just turns and shoves Kitayama right back. Laughing in a tussle, they end up on the floor.

"Asshole," Kitayama grins, on top. He's smaller, stronger, but mostly Fujigaya's just too amused to fight. "You knew and you still didn't say anything? What's the use in having such a big mouth if you don't blab?"

Fujigaya's smile is the one that he doesn't show on stage, eyes crinkled up; the one that says he's trying not to laugh before the punchline. "I told Tottsu~ Unlike you, he still has good reactions even when he already knows what's coming."


From Kitayama, a forward, three words, four letters:
      Fwd: Kisumai, YOU should do lives this fall!

from johnny-san.


In reply:
that's awesome news!! Congrats!

Then, two hours later:
      taipi already told you!!!!


Totsuka can't help laughing when he opens Kitayama's mail. It gets him a few strange looks on the train and a little unwanted attention from a group of girls on their way home from cram school, but he tugs down his mask anyway, and snaps a quick shot.
      Attachment: [img]
      There's nothing fake about this face, Hiromitsu.
      I'm still nothing but happy for you

It gets him stalked onto the platform, but Kitayama's reply makes up for that with an explosion of emoji hearts and sparkles and fist-pumps worthy of Hashimoto's best. Fondly, Totsuka smiles.
      We'll come watch, us five. With a critical eye, so don't be sloppy

Blow us away.

Kitayama's excitement is almost palpable through the pixels,
      drinks tonight!!

come out with us

and Totsuka's smile doesn't fade.
      'Til dawn


Those who can be are there. Totsuka beside Kitayama, Miyata between him and Kawai, then Yokoo and Fujigaya; Goseki across the way with Yara and Takeuchi and Kato Yukihiro...

There's a few too young, and a few too far away, but spirits are high enough to make up for any absentees.

Perhaps unfortunately.

"Do you want us to get kicked out?" Yokoo says sternly, smacking Fujigaya upside the head, then turns around to give Kawai the same treatment. "This is why they don't let six-year-olds into bars!"

Kawai just sticks his tongue out and Yokoo's two hairs from hitting him again when his phone buzzes. Instead, he downs the rest of his glass and scoots his chair back. (Not a moment too soon, as the space he's just vacated gets engulfed by an epic thumb war.)

notes the header, but it doesn't take Yokoo two seconds to figure out that Koyama's just changed his address again. He's smiling before he realises it, prompting Yara to cat-call something about lady friends and secret rendezvous. Laughing, Yokoo excuses himself from the table before Kawai gets any ideas about grabbing his phone to see for himself.

The message is harmless enough, if blinding.

      I wanted to call

News travels fast
knows everything, yo
      Yes, Shige-chan is here, too~

He sends his congrats as well

And so does Nyanta~
      And they call me poison

Thanks, but just so you know

If you guys stop running even for one second, we're going to catch up.

Better not let your guard down
      A smart cat doesn't fear his own tail, Yokoo-chan.

Catch up to us

It's been years too long already~


"...A.B.C.-Z next," Goseki says, watching the party, eyes on his rivals. His smile is perfectly congenial, but his drink is only a quarter gone so far, and Yara knows that competitive undercurrent well.

He grins, tipping his orange juice. "I don't see why not."

"To success," Goseki smiles, and their glasses clink.

"To doing our best!" Fujigaya calls, taking up the kampai.

Across the table, glasses raise.

"To our best!"

'Which has yet to come~' in all their smiles, a silent promise.

*fandom: je boys, *all: fanfic, boys: abc-z, boys: kismai

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