miyatama, "crazy in love"

May 09, 2009 16:17

Somebody wanted - actually, they wanted Sennika. 8D Which I said I'd try to draw. But it didn't happen.

Here's some Tamamiya instead.
...and i'm not even going to say anything about the picture. except it's the first time i've drawn more than one person per frame in yeaaars, oops.

Miyata tucks a few strands of hair behind Tamamori's ear and traces his fingers down Tamamori's jaw, a path he knows by memory like the road to Tamamori's house.

Tamamori's eyes are half closed in contentment, but he's still watching Miyata and Miyata wonders briefly why that is. That Miyata likes watching Tamamori a lot is no secret, but then again who wouldn't? Tamamori is gorgeous with his fine bones and soft hair that's perfect even when it's not, and pretty, pretty space cadet eyes...

Miyata blinks, realising those eyes are currently regarding him with a measure of contemplation. "What are you thinking?" he asks, brushing his thumb over the little mole by Tamamori's mouth.

Tamamori's lips twitch into a smile. "Miyacchi's nose is really big," he replies, mean but so honest that Miyata can't help a chuckle.

"Well, that's not news. Did you just realise it?"

Tamamori hums. "Remember how it used to get in the way all the time? We took it so slow for ages..."

Miyata laughs, fond eyes crinkling at the edges. "We would've done that with or without my nose," he says. "Somebody used to be shy~"

Tamamori blushes the slightest bit, looking away. "Only because you were weird."

"Mm~" Miyata takes the opportunity to nuzzle closer, nosing down Tamamori's neck. He remembers how Tamamori took a little convincing... "I really liked you though. I still do."

"That's nice to know," Tamamori says, and tilts his head back.

Miyata grins. "Maybe I'll cut off my nose as an expression of my love. Like that painter, Van Gogh."

Tamamori makes a face and tries to push Miyata away not-so-convincingly. "I take it back, you're still weird. That is not a sexy thought."

"I'll give you a sexy thought," Miyata hums, and slides a hand low down Tamamori's stomach.

"...just one?" Tamamori teases, despite the way he shivers in anticipation.

"Well, maybe more than one," Miyata allows. "Since I like you so much."

"Mm~" Being liked, Tamamori supposes, has its occasional perks.


"It was Van Gogh's ear, you know," he murmurs later, eyes closed.

Miyata blinks himself out of a half-doze. "Hm?"

"Van Gogh. Cut off his ear."

"Oh," Miyata says. "Right. Well, I guess his nose wasn't good enough."

"You like your nose better than your ears?" Tamamori asks as if he doesn't really care for the answer. (Because he doesn't, not really.)

"I like your ears better than my nose," Miyata tells him anyway, shifting a little to suck gently at Tamamori's piercings. They taste of metal and Tamachan, and Miyata approves of the combination.

"Mm~" Tamamori breathes. "Well, so long as you don't cut off either of them."

"Alright," Miyata agrees, inclined to anything with a mood like this, and Tamamori thinks vaguely that most 'whispered promises and sweet nothings' shouldn't be quite so disturbed. (It's a moot point though, since he wouldn't trade Miyata for all the clichéd romance in the world.)

"Ne... I like your nose," Tamamori murmurs, feeling with sleepy irrationalism that he should say it as his hand finds Miyata's to tangle with. "I like you."

He can feel Miyata's smile by his side as he drifts off. "I know. Yuuta."

*fandom: je boys, *all: fanfic, *all: fanart, boys: kismai

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