bunnyfic master post :D

Feb 19, 2018 23:08

Okay. For NaNo 2008, I wrote High Tech, Low Intel -- basically the pretentious title for Kismai in AU land (pseudo-cyberpunk). :D :D Unlocked now that it no longer constitutes spam, this is the master post. It's now
. (round two edits in progress :D)

the bunnyfic 01~ 'underground', a prologue ten years prior; 'that craving', time 00:00 03~ a bother; something like like; dysfunction 06~ anti-decentralization; the damsel 7.5~ the distress; in and out; something specific; point of intercept 11~ triple counter; back up the truck 13~ electric sheep; boxed in, freaked out; the natural power user; the headhunted 17~ guardians, not angels; superstars and cannonballs; work it; drastic action 21~ friendly fire; some things unexpected 22.5~ strange fruits; for real; this is how we roll 25~ behind closed doors; kryptonite 27 avoidance tactics 28 you can run 29 Pink and Orange Kisses by snowqueenofhoth [sidestory] Be Careful by shimizumiki 30 and the evening and the morning were the third day with snowqueenofhoth [outtake] Wake Up Call by mousapelli rating: R 31 Five Times Senga Wasn't A Bunny with mousapelli rating: R 31.5 you are my sunshine 32 Cybersex for Beginners by snowqueenofhoth rating: R 33 a selective competence 34 walking with WMDs 35 in your shoes 36~ liar liar; wingmates fly [sidestory] what friends are (really) for -1 38 slingshot 39~ the messenger; trickster's trade [outtake] Sideswipe by mousapelli rating: R 40~ may it be; ai ja nai? 42 Take Two by snowqueenofhoth rating: R 43 all the small things [sidestory] what friends are (really) for -2 44 reap what you sow 45 heart, mind, and soul [omake] The New Chosen Ones by snowqueenofhoth rating: nc-17 [omake] Memories of You by rin_aokuro
the watchtower predilection: a mind of affection

[ Ft2 | Watchtower | FAQ ]

☆ The overall rating is PG. There is no porn or lack of worksafeness unless marked! ;Db

rin_aokuro also drew me stuff! xD [ my bunny | pure adorable kjae ] thank youuu~! :D :D

Squeeze out. ♥

*fandom: je boys, *all: fanfic, boys: kismai, au: bunnyfic

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