"I want to share this show with you. It's a great show."

Dec 11, 2012 17:58

TV I’m wasting my time on: past, present...future? Get ready - THERE’S A LOT OF IT.


DOWNTON ABBEY: SPOILERS AHOY for those who haven’t seen series 3!


Aside from Edith being a Edwardian Era artisotcrat-turned-journalist BOSS, the best part of the series was Tom and Matthew becoming BFF-Bro-in-Laws, aristocracy style. Sybil, I was spoiled for your death, but it was still very distressing and I am very sorry that you will no longer be around, doing whatever it was you were doing after running off and marrying Branson. Seriously, aside from becoming pregnant, constantly showing up at Downton for one reason or other and constantly having to defend Tom and her marriage, what the hell had she been doing with her time? Actually, with all that I doubt she’d have time for little else :/ . Matthew/Mary….. sorry, I don’t care. I enjoy them as characters, but their storyline was predictable and it seemed like just another obstacle to keep them busy and zzzzzzzzzzzz. Also, Robert is still a flop. character. Thank god they’ve finally ended Bates’ murder mystery/wrongfully imprisoned nonsense - that was such a drag. And Thomas, your life sucks. I’m sorry, bb.

DOCTOR WHO: PONDS!!! *insert horrendous wailing here* OH GOD.

I thought the first half of series 7 was pretty damn solid, and did a great job of showcasing and utilizing the Ponds at their best in their last episodes. Stand out episodes for me of the Ponds’ final five were “Asylum of the Daleks”, “Dinosours on a Spaceship”, “The Power of Three” (because DOMESTIC PONDS + DOCTOR) and “Angels Take Manhatten” - so pretty much every episode. I am also still shippin’ Eleven/River like a boss (JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL HER HUSBAND GETS HOME!). They are glorious yet tragic. And despite my grief over losing Amy and Rory (what the crap is this hootinany about the Doctor never being able to visit them EVER AGAIN, while River is already planning reunion trips back to see mom and dad?? THIS REASON FOR NEVER SEEING AMY & RORY AGAIN IS SUSPECT - although nothing new) - anyway, despite my attachment to the Ponds, I am eager to meet new companion Clara. If she is anything like her descendent Oswin (MADE ANOTHER SOUFFLE!) then I will love her. Bring on the Christmas special!

THE BORGIAS: So I guess I'm ok with incest now, and am officially on the incest-kink train. I was already half on-board with merlin’s Arthur & Morgana, but I’ve practically bought a ticket for a full on sleeper car thanks to Cesare & Lucrezia. Just look at these hot, murderous bitches who love each other so fucking much.



The above .gif sums up my relationship with this show. Even though I only el-jayed about this show once, I fangirled it (aka: Dan & Blair) like a bitch during the second half of last season - much to my ever loving shame and resentment. I am trying to ignore this season as a whole, but info about eps filters in, and as such I currently have two different canons post episode 5x24 that are going on interchangeably in my head- one pretending 5x24 was the show’s final episode and this season never existed, and the other to make up for the total embarrassing catastrophe that is this show’s “swan song”. I do this so that I can pretend the show actually makes narrative sense and that everything throughout the past 5 seasons (really past 2 seasons - they’re really the only ones I care about) wasn’t just pointless filler before one giant ret-con negated everything that had happened in the last couple of years. I also do this so that I can feel a little bit better about myself for having fallen for gossip girl’s manipulations. As such, here is how I help myself to reconcile the last year that I’ve apparently wasted:

+ Head canon #1) Episode 5x24. Everything that happens up until Blair’s unfortunate trip to meet Chuck on the roof of the Empire stands. Dan leaves for Italy to attend his workshop, heartbroken due to believing Blair chose Chuck over him. However, Blair actually cuts Chuck loose (Cheath dreams fulfilled y/n?) chooses Dan and flies to Rome where she hunts him down in a busy Roman street. He sees her and they power over to each other and kiss and the camera swirls and there is triumphant sounds of angels singing and trumpets (AGAIN) and the end.

+ Head canon #2) Season 6 is the book Dan writes while in Italy, in which everyone’s lives are miserable and they become the worst versions of themselves (i.e. their parents). The season ends back in reality with Dan wandering around a museum. Blair appears, they spot each other from across the room and smile knowingly at one another the end.


They can never take this away from me!



(credit: dicaprios.tumblr.com)
Show, you continue to be the random, ridiculous light of my life.


The above .gif set captures my feelings at the start of the season through to the present. SHOW, WHY CAN’T YOU BE BETTER?? You’ve got Connie Britton (who is still a queen), you’ve got various forms of catchy country music, you’ve got old loves with attachment issues and new (potential) loves with attachment issues all set to said music, complicated family issues, and you’ve got an intriguing storyline and setting that could focus on the politics of the music industry and “old-school” and “new-school” talents being judgy and bitchy at first and then potentially learning to co-exist and appreciate each other. This show has everything it needs to be absolutely ah-mahzing, but instead it continuously zigs where it should zag and doesn’t seem to take advantage of story aspects that are just ripe with possibility. It never follows through on the story hook with the most bang and megapotential from the previous episode. Instead - case in point - after last week’s episode that finally put Rayna, Juliette and a potential team-up tour back in each other’s orbits, this week’s episode decides to focus on Teddy’s political indiscretions coming out/the fallout for his and Rayna’s family, and Juliette finding a “family” with FakeTimTebow and his cute sister and ice queen mother. The only storyline that I cared about that actually finally got some movement was Gunnar and Scarlett, and even that movement was frustrating.

This is one of the main issues I have with the show. When it seems to hit on something(s) great in one episode (aka: the pilot), with a chance of having all the moving parts (characters) of the show interacting/intersecting, it invariably chooses to forget about such great thing for a time (or for always *cough* Scarlett & Gunnar writing with/for Rayna *cough*). Honestly, I don’t feel particularly invested in any of these people (maybe save Scarlett/Gunnar), and I think this is because the show doesn’t allow the characters to focus on a plot point (or “story point) for longer than an episode, giving me little chance to become invested in the story and, thus, in the character’s own investment of the story. I think it was a mistake to kick Rayna and Deacon out of each other’s orbits so early in the season - especially when things were just starting to get juicy - because while there had been exposition about their history, we only had limited time to watch, get to know and become invested in their relationship, whatever dynamic the present version holds. The writers don’t give one part of a storyline room to breathe before they move onto the next part, and it ends up feeling rushed, disjointed and a bit manic. Of course the most consistent storyline has been the Mayoral race story - but which, unfortunately, has also been the dullest and the story least connected to the rest of the show (save Rayna, kind of).


But for now, have one of the absolute highlights (obviously from the pilot, before it all went to hell)

image Click to view

THE MINDY PROJECT: I repeat the aforementioned sentiment - WHY AREN’T YOU BETTER, SHOW? You’ve got all the elements I typically love in a single-camera comedy

+ Quirky yet hilarious and empowering(?) female lead
+ Quirky ensemble characters
+ Churlish yet semi-charming “straight” man
+ Ensemble is made up of mostly co-workers, who occasionally find reasons to socialize outside of the workplace
+ Random, not-at-all cliché, dickish yet semi-charming guest-starring boyfriend for female lead

I guess I just expected more and am super bummed out that the actual product hasn’t lived up to those expectations. Fingers crossed it improves in the back half of the season, though I am not especially optimistic.


(@ ale-la-pazza1.tumblr)
IT IS A SEASON OF ~*FEELINGS*~. I legit gasped when he got down on one knee. I was not expecting it At. All. My heart practically swelled out of my chest. While most of my feelings have been thanks to Ben/Leslie, I also developed a giant place in my heart for Ben & April’s blossoming friendship while together in DC. This season has been pretty fantastic, last week’s Christmas Party/Woodcarving Awards episode included.

HART OF DIXIE: Is still a thing I watch, apparently? I wasn’t sure if I was going to keep up with the show after the way they ended last season, and I completely missed the first 2 or 3 episodes of season 2 when they aired (which I still haven’t seen in full). But one day I had nothing else to do and nothing else on my DVR and so decided to watch the latest episode, and so HOD returned to my viewing schedule, though I’m not nearly as invested/tuned into it as I was last year. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy all of the characters and the various relationships they have, but at this point I’m really most intrigued/invested in the Zoe/Wade pairing and how the writers are going to have this (fairly immature) relationship develop and play out.

They’re sexy, bantery, polar opposites, and he totally gets her. HOWEVER, Zoe is starting to frustrate me, which is what I feared would happen in regards to her role in the triangle. Because they still have her completely tunnel-visioned in her “George & Zoe: Meant to Be” future picture, she has totally closed herself off to the completely legitimate option of Wade. I had a feeling this would happen when they had Wade fall first. Couldn’t they have had Wade and Zoe fall together this season (although Wade already had a pretty good head start last year, even though he was covering it by living in his immature land of denial). Zoe’s already in a crappy position as the center of the triangle, but by having Zoe remained closed off to the serious suggestion of Wade as a viable candidate, they are making her seem downright clueless, inconsiderate and almost cruel. This past episode (and this last arc) was all about the characters and their ability (or inability) to evolve - as people and within the various relationships they have - and to “change your picture”, or what you think or expect your life should be. If Zoe is not allowed to evolve and remain petulantly stagnant while everyone around her changes, viewers (me) are going to begin thinking she’s (even more) out of touch, start resenting her and then not wanting her near either end of the triangle. It’s fairly obvious that as much as she’s been denying whatever her relationship is with Wade all season, in the last episode she did a complete 180 and acted like there wasn’t even anything to deny. Which is total BULL. Unless it’s just another super layer of super denial, I don’t know. Whatever it is, it’s not ok.

I can’t believe I just took up all that word space for the show that’s supposed to be the “popcorn-lite, really only half-watch while I’m doing something else” show in my current line-up.


This is basically what I’m here for - Caroline/Stefan: Real BFFs/crackship that will never actually happen; Also, Jeremy’s new destiny as a vampire hunter, and Matt. The end. Though I am kind of intrigued about how Fey from the secret circle is connected to Bonnie’s Supernatural Enthusiast Professor Professorson.

And Elena... Elena Elena Elena... I enjoyed and agreed with her personality shifting after becoming a vampire. It was inevitable. And I agreed that Stefan probably wasn’t what the new her needed right now. HOWEVER, I am not a fan of the agency of her actions and the responsibility behind her actions being basically stripped away and negated because of some “rare” sire bond to Damon. THAT IS NOT HOW THE GOOD VERSION OF THIS STORY GOES. You don’t just take the agency away from your main character, have her make show-changing and life-altering decisions and then cop out and say “JK, EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES SENSE ITS TOTES NOT REAL B-CUZ SHE DOESN’T ACTUALLY HAVE CONTROL OVER HER OWN NEW SELF. SEE WHAT WE DID THERE??? DID WE SURPRISE YOU?!?”

While this week tackled the issue pretty immediately and seemingly is trying to “correct” or “make up” for Elena’s non-choice by clarifying that ~feelings~ aren’t part of being sired, it’s not the best plan to completely remove your main character’s ability to be an active participant in her own story. And I call LAME that the only way to break the vampire sire bond is by having Damon make a ~GRAND SACRIFICE~, while Elena’s vote in the decision to break the sire bond is null and void b/c her decision-making skills are not be trusted BECAUSE OF THE SIRE BOND, so Damon is again, the one responsible for making the decision for her. The whole thing rubs me the wrong way. A lot.

Caroline and Stefan, I DEMAND you make up for this jack-assery! (though you will probably be spending all your time trying to figure out how to break the sire bond/cure Elena’s vampirism. Boo for me.) Also, STOP KIDNAPPING CAROLINE, SHE IS A FUCKING VAMPIRE - LET HER BE AWESOME AT IT.

NEW GIRL: While the show’s first season became the official break-out for character Schmidt, this season is officially the season of Nick Miller. WHOM I ADORE.

However, my heart belongs to Winston, who is my consistently favorite (and unfortunately, consistently underused) roommate. Everything, every scene, every line he’s a part of is instantly awesome. Maybe because he’s used to sparingly that his bits are like little gems found amidst the rest of the other rocks, hence each one is precious. The guy takes advantage of what little he’s often given to work with and spins it into GOLD.


HOMELAND: I have no coherent thoughts about this other than “I HAVE NO COHERENT THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS”. It’s difficult for me to watch more than one episode in a sitting (hence why I am currently about 3 or 4 episodes behind in this current season), because it is just too intense and I cannot handle more than 50 minutes of this show at a time. CARRIE, OH MY SWEET CARRIE. I feel like I get punched in the gut whenever someone or something tries to screw you over.

THE LIZZIE BENNET DIARIES: Um, amazing? I think Lizzie is great in all her judgy glory, Jane is precious and surprisingly hilarious and I adore this Lydia, special snowflake that she is. I LOVE ALL THE BENNET SISTERS AND I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIPS. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. THIS IS NO SURPRISE. Ok I take that back, I am surprised at how much I like Lydia. In my initial readings of P&P, Lydia annoyed me and Jane always seemed like too much of a non-entity - perfectly nice and all, but a non-entity. That is why I am so pleased that this adaption has done such a wonderful job of fleshing out these two characters, to the point where I feel as connected to and as invested in them as I do Lizzie. I ALSO LOVE CHARLOTTE, LET HER NOT BE FORGOTTEN.

I haven’t watched too many web-series, but this is one pretty fucking fabulous. The cast does an amazing job of taking the original characters and bringing them (and their identifiable personalities) into the present day. The way they have chosen to tell the story via Lizzie’s vlog is ingenious, because it allows the audience to see exactly how Lizzie (and later others) views the other people in her universe, occasionally through costume theater retellings of events. The idea of the unreliable narrator comes up as Lizzie is the main conduit through which the story is told, and as her telling is sometimes side-eyed by other characters as they are allowed to voice their own opinions of the characters, the relationships and the story. It also brings into play the fact that Lizzie’s thoughts and impressions are not private, and the cast of characters all invariably become knowledgable of her vlog and her judgments of them and the events they’ve been involved in - which leads to hilarious slash devastating moments of mortified awkwardness. This whole “analysis” of the series is nothing new, but I find it fascinating to think about and how this retelling of P&P is so incredibly creative by having these new elements added to the narrative and overall story. PLUS, you get to watch the progression of Lizzie’s feelings for Darcy!

And PEMBERLEY IS COMING UP SOOOOOON!!!!!! It is going to be incredible, I know it.



Mainlined the first series like a boss in one sitting and have only seen the first episode of series 2, but I can safely say that this show is MAGNIFICANT and MAGNIFICANTLY GORGEOUS and GORGEOUSLY HEARTBREAKING. Everyone is incredible. I love everyone. Every character is golden. The design is breathtaking. The direction is stunning. This show... IS THIS SHOW.

COMMUNITY: COME BACK TO US, SHOW! You are missed. I recently did a season 1 and season 2 re-watch, and apart from Modern Warfare and “the chicken finger episode”, season 1 almost does feel like a different show. You can really see the shift as season two gets going, especially starting with Basic Rocket Science. I’m not saying it was a bad change, just more noticeable than I had realized previously. WHEN IS FEBRUARY 7TH GONNA BE HERE??? But for now, here’s a fab tribute to the show that highlights everything we all love about this show and it’s characters:

image Click to view

I am also watching the good wife, 30 rock, once upon a time (why am I still watching this???), and am looking forward to the third series of miranda.

However, despite the ridiculous amount of tv I manage to watch every week, what’s been taking up most of my attention is an entertainment affair I’ve been having with a little genre called Bollywood. I entered this phase late in the summer, and am somehow still in it. I - don’t know how else to explain it. If I’m watching a movie, best bet is that it’s in Hindi. I really have no way to explain this. BUT, I’m feeling inspired to create a post including all my personal highlights regarding this latest obsession, so there’s 50/50 shot of my actually doing it.

Maybe 60/40.

dan/blair: rain check on that waffle?, hart of dixie: deep south doctorin', new girl: who's that girl? it's jess!, what the hell am i doing with my time?, eleven/river - yeah i ship it, total future picspamming, 11/rory/river/amy: ultimate team tardis, i really shouldn't ship this, doctor who: madman with a box, happy endings: you stupid clumsy bitch!, the mindy project: i'm sandra bullock!, homeland: spying on spies, lbd: lizzie vlogs p&p (with costumes), the hour: news & conspiracies & feelings, community: i need a community tag, bollywood: hadippa!, the borgias: so i'm ok with incest now?, the good wife: women winning everything, parks & recreation: $1000 on waffles, the vampire diaries: wtf just happened?!, nashville: country music dramarama

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