So I've been MIA from LJ for months, I've got a shit-ton of real-life stuff going on, and what is it that I'm posting about? Freaking Dan and Blair from fucking gossip girl - ngl, they've taken over my life at the moment. And what did I do with the precious little free time that I have (that should have been spent on doing work for my masters)? I
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Snarky and pretty and wonderful is the BEST combination. And I love that there have been so many parallels to when harry met sally and breakfast at tiffany's being drawn all over the place, b/c omg how could they not??? I've admittedly only seen late-S4 ChuckandBlair, and that was enough for me. I don't care what they were like in previous seasons (though I know enough), that is NOT a healthy relationship - it's a toxic and an emotionally abusive one; they make each other miserable and they bring out the worst in each other, where Dan and Blair can be happy when they're together and bring out the best in each other. /god i really have gone full shipper, haven't i?
It's funny that it's this season that I've turned full on obsessed with this pairing, because I feel like the material they were given in S4 was just so much better - it's like the intellectual banter has been abandoned this season in favor of "supportive friend conversations" (which i enjoy don't get me wrong), and that quippy banter is what drew me in and made me love them the most (although 5x14 and 5x16 did bring it back a bit). While I do love all the swoon and squee worthy moments we've had this season, I kind of wish we could get more of what made up their foundations (see what I did there???)
And it's been pimped! I posted it to tumblr last night and daretodair was on my to-do list, but as it was already so late I decided to hold off. But it's been submitted now and am just waiting for the mods to ok it :D
You both do make me very excited for Dair! Thanks for pinpointing where to start from. GG had gotten too mug for me around S2ish, and with my time constraints I just couldn't afford to watch anymore. But this pairing intrigues me!
*unless you end up watching and rewatching the clips over and over hundreds of times, but whatevs /shrug
I hope maybe the next episode after the hiatus might have a bit of banter in it, but we'll see. I think Blair has been through a lot this season and maybe feels obliged to be a bit more gratuitous considering all that he has done for her this season.
But nevertheless, it always makes me happy to see more Dan/Blair ships. Chuck/Blair fans are terrifying! They petition show writers via Twitter, etc, and feel that the louder they are, the more difference it will make (although consider how unpredictable the GG writers are, I can't say it won't work).
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