Aug 15, 2011 12:40

Aaaaaaand I just spoiled myself for last night's law & order: uk finale.


This sucks for real. GODDAMN YOU TUMBLR.

edited to add: OH MY GOD, HE DIES??????????

/curls in fetal position and squishes roommate's cat pretending it's Mattie's.

And it figures, we get more Matt/Alesha in this one ep than we have in 2 series. OF COURSE - make me all smiley and then TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME >[

At least his last episode was an AMAZZZZZZING ONE, HOLY SHITBALLS. Talk about suspense and the entire cast knocked it out of the park! Knowing and waiting for what was going to happen, I was holding out some hope that it would all be alright going into the second part. But those last few moments where he was all smiley with Ronnie and Kaden and all the quality Alesha-time (in hindsight) totally spelled "DOOM". James Steel being written out was fine - but Matt leaving will just totally change the show for me! WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA DO IN SERIES 6?????


life sucks, raaaaage!!, wtf???, pretty pretty prettyness, oh noes!, l&o:uk: not in mattie's mattress, i'm not dead, complete woe, otp angst, they are so amazing you don't even know

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