"I'm thinking - toga."

Feb 09, 2011 00:23

1) GUYS - I love how EVERY EPISODE OF HELLCATS EVER is based around a party/dance/celebration, BUT THEY STILL MANAGE TO SEAMLESSLY INCLUDE: A) PEOPLE STEALTHILY BREAKING INTO PLACES, and B) GUYS GETTING BEATEN UP IN PRISON. THAT IS QUALITY STORYTELLING RIGHT THERE. Savannah Monroe is still one of the greatest characters on tv and I still can't decide if Marti totally sucks or not. Also: WHERE ARE YOU, DAN PATCH? BEING A BITCH TO MARTI OVER THE PHONE, THAT'S WHERE. COME BACK SOON [as long as you're not sulking over Marti and being LAME. SAVANNAH'S WHERE ITS AT even though you totes don't deserve her right now WHY DO I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT THIS SHOW????]

They also busted out some Marilyn Manson tonight. WHO KNEW?!?

2) Me and the 6 Chapters of greek that Netflix has online will soon be spending a lot of awesome time together. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WISDOM, F-LIST.

3) I'm working on a being human vid. I have a MEGAFUCKTON of reading and written assignments due EACH WEEK. I will not finish this vid anytime soon, YET I CONTINUE WITH THIS MADNESS.

4) This has been a post about a) things I really shoudn't be so excited about, and b) how I avoid the work I need to do in order to SECURE MY FUTURE.


i don't even know, what the hell am i doing with my time?, tv dvds are genius, being human: so who wants tea?, grad school is kicking my ass, vids, hellcats: champions... of the spirit, greek: long live kt & zbz

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