I've hitched a ride on the bandwagon and am now the owner of a sparkly new Tumblr. I figured I already spend an obnoxious amount of time on there anyways that I might as well create an account. There will be the requisite fandom flailiness for my new love hellcats, PLUS I can post little things
like this on there that I probably wouldn't waste a whole el-jay post on. You can follow me @
piehoez.tumblr.comIf you have a tumblr too, let me know and I'll totally follow you. Stuff on my dash is always appreciated :D
Of course, there's the very real chance that I'll get bored with this and stop posting after like, 2 weeks, but for now let's have faith that it will actually become a thriving source of fannish substance.... Yeah, that sounds about right. Maybe. Kind of. Hopefully. HOORAH!