- I'm back from New York - there were lots of wedding dresses, and LOTS of sake bombs. Yeah, that about sums it up.
- OH, and I fully plan on buying this
the Doctor Who Series 5 DVD when it comes out, BECAUSE OMG INSIDE THE TARDIS, commentaries, confidentials AND A MATT SMITH VIDEO DIARY OH YES THERE IS
- School starts in a couple of weeks, and I am suitably beginning to freak out over the admin type stuff that needs to be taken care of (i.e financial aid disbursement) and hopefully having another job besides the one I'm at now (GET ME THE FUCK OUT!). There is a potential graduate assistantship that I HOPE I HOPE I get, b/c then tuition? WHAT TUITION?? YEAH IT WOULD BE PRETTY MUCH COMPTED THANKS! Fingers crossed everyone!
Okay, MOVING ON! Ok, this "30 Day TV Meme" has gone on waaaay too long, and I hate leaving things unfinished so lets bang the rest of this puppy out!
Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new):
The Wire. Done.
Except y’know, not. I keep meaning to watch this but another show always gets in the way! I have so little time and so many shows and don’t know what’s wrong with me. But I will get to it eventually!
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale:
robin hood’s series 2 finals. 1000 years of canon?
HAHA WHO CARES?! Except y’know, me. WHYYYY????
Day 27 - Best pilot episode:
The one that always springs immediately to mind is the black donnellys. Now, I’m sure I’ve seen plenty of other pilot episodes that measure up to this one, but I think the ending was just
so epic that it’s permanently marked itself in my brain as BEST PILOT EVER. So yeah, there it is.
Day 28 - First t.v show obsession:
Uh, I thought about not being lame and putting veronica mars, but decided to own up to my embarrassing past and answer honestly. It was totally general hospital in junior high. Liz and Jason - I couldn’t help it. And even though Lucky bugged the crap out of me, I cried at his funeral. And Zander was hot, so yeah...
Day 29 - Current t.v show obsession:
It really depends on what I’m watching at the moment. Like, a couple months ago it was totally merlin b/c I was mainlining it like a heroin junkie. community was also at the forefront for the length of its freshman run. Then it was doctor who and the magnificence of Eleven/Amy and
Matt/Kaz and
Ten/Sarah Jane (and ok maybe still kind of is a little), and now I’m kind of getting back into being human now that S3 is under way and in production. Right now I’m watching true blood and mad men, but they don’t reach ANYWHERE near the level of fandom flail I have for the others. I am, however, spending a stupid amount of time on so you think you can dance even though I think this season is complete fail. I don’t know why. Probably because of randomly awesome routines like this:
Click to view
It doesn't even have any contestants in it LOL. The only other routines that left any lingering impression were as follows:
Ashley/Ade "Cosmic Love" contemporary |
Ashley/Mark "jazz" |
Kathryn/Robert Stacey Tookey piece |
Fame Season Opener)
Other than that, this season can gtfo
Day 30 - Saddest character death:
So I'm totally going with doctor who's Donna Noble and Annie from being human, even though Donna didn't actually die and Annie was already technically dead. HOWEVER, the Doctor
erasing Donna's memory and severing the link that made her a timelord and the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE and wiping out ALL THE AMAZING THINGS SHE SAW AND DID was essentially killing a huge part of her, and it was severe and tragic and heartbreaking. Annie was basically murdered AGAIN when Kemp excorcized her and forced her to be
dragged through THE DOOR and over to the other side.
I was a ridiculous crying sobbing mess for both of these.
And it only took me....102 DAYS!
For a 30 day meme!