Fun with Tumblr & Twitter: it's a link-tastrophy!

Jun 27, 2010 18:58

OR: "Random post is random"

+ First things first, lets get a 30 Day meme entry out of the way:

Day 22 - Favorite Series Finale - M*A*S*H Goodbye, Farewell and Amen This episode was about 5700 kinds of amazing. I cry every damn time I watch it.

Day 01 - A show that should have never been cancelled
Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching
Day 03 - Your favorite new show (aired this t.v season)
Day 04 - Your favorite show ever
Day 05 - A show you hate
Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
Day 07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v show
Day 08 - A show everyone should watch
Day 09 - Best scene ever
Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 11 - A show that disappointed you
Day 12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times
Day 13 - Favorite childhood show
Day 14 - Favorite male character
Day 15 - Favorite female character
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Day 17 - Favorite mini series
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
Day 19 - Best t.v show cast
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Day 21 - Favorite ship
Day 22 - Favorite series finale
Day 23 - Most annoying character
Day 24 - Best quote
Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Day 27 - Best pilot episode
Day 28 - First t.v show obsession
Day 29 - Current t.v show obsession
Day 30 - Saddest character death

+ Holy crap, being human! I got tumblred for this shit!

And Because a Gilbert reference over any Alex Price appearance will never not be funny or appreciated:

(via Letseyx)

(via ihasatardis)

+ I just finished series 3 of doctor who the other night and realized wow, Martha was kind of awesome. I wasn't sure about her at first and it took me a little while to warm up to her (I think maybe because it took the acress the better part of the series to really start feeling comfortable in the role) but in those last couple of episodes I found myself LOVING HER. And HOLY CRAP that was Harry Lloyd in "Family of Blood"??? After being used to him all scruffy and mumbly on robin hood for 2 years I HAD NO FREAKING IDEA until I randomly saw it on Tumblr. HOLY SHITBALLS I didn't even realize it was him!

And then for some reason I decided to rewatch "The Eleventh Hour" for the zillionth time (because that episode cannot be watched too many times) and OMG MATT AND KAREN DON'T EVER LEAVE. DAMN I almost forgot what a kickass episode it is. From that scene where the Doctor's facing off with Prisoner 0 to when he's on the roof facing off with the Atraxi, Matt, to me, was 10000% THE DOCTOR, and then that SPEECH OF EPIC AMAZING ROCKSTARNESS in "The Pandorica Opens" just cemented totally cemented his place there. I mean, SERIOUSLY:

+ Speaking of doctor who and people I love, CRAIG FERGUSON SHARES MY FEAR OF CREEPY ANIMATE INANIMATE OBJECTS. AND ALSO, who knew the dude from Singled Out (90s Mtv dating show flashback SAY WHAT!?) was a who fan??? Hey, if it gets Craig talking about Eleven and Amy, I am ALLLL for this guy reciprocating Craig's Nerdist podcast appearance.

It's sad how giddy it makes me to hear/see favorite celebs flailing over doctor who and Eleven aka Matt Smith as much as I do. It's like

+ I really don't know what the hell to think about the season finale of doctor who except for:

I was pretty sleepy/drunk when I watched it late last night, and I think a rewatch is definately in order and kinda necessary. Here is the extent of my thoughts on the finale right now: Wedding dress. Doctor gets erased. Is Rory still an automaton or no? The future-Jacket!Doctor theory was right. New River intrigue for S6! Amy still wants to get it on with the Doctor!

Yeah, I need a rewatch.


Other fun who stuff: Rory iz ded again and How to Make a PB&J According to Doctor Who. LOL FOR SRS at the Martha section.

+ Wow this sytycd tribute really makes me miss Kathryn & Legacy - and totally realize that I really couldn't give a shit about any of this season's contestants.

God they were awesome.

+ This tweet from Dan Harmon just makes me soooo incredibly giddy and excited AND IMPATIENT. NEED THESE NOW.

+ JONOTHAN GROFF IN S2 of glee?! YES PLZ SRSLY GUYS. This gives me naïve hope of an actual resolution to St. Berry - or dare I say, REUNION ?! [hahahaha yeaah ok never]

randomness, oh noes!, god i miss this show, being human: so who wants tea?, 11/rory/river/amy: ultimate team tardis, doctor who: madman with a box, ahahaha, booooo, team hipster tardis, community: i need a community tag, tv dvds are genius, glee: why am i still watching this?, retro posts, complete woe, cracktastic, it's my favorite!, stupid longass haituses, otp awesomeness, omg i can't even, sytycdance!

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