He’s your murdering refugee. If you want to keep him, you’ve got to look after him

Jan 18, 2010 13:21


So much more balanced than last week, and while each Annie, George and Mitchell had something going on, they also gave us plenty of awesome flatmate time - which is really all I care about anyway. I really feel like this ep kicked off the series properly, b/c we're beginning to see where each character will be taken, AND I CANNOT WAIT.

THIS EP WAS AMAZING. And what a FANTASTIC way to start an episode :D

I love when George and Mitchell are allowed to just be flatmates for a scene - it always amuses me greatly. Aw, George got all jealous and spazzy when Mitchell told him he’d lived with other people before. “Do you think I spent the last 100 years waiting for you and your 3 different types of upholstery cleaner to show up?” HA.

LOL OH ANNIE/GEORGE. They have such a great siblingy-bff vibe.

“Hugh? He’s like a brother to me.”
“Oh promise me you will never tell him that.”
“Well I think he’s really sweet - “
“Really sweet? Oh my god, why not just stab him in the face? A “brother”? Trust me Annie, the only man that would ever want to hear that is your actual brother.”

Ok, totally random, but do Brits really say “See you back at the ranch?” Do they even have “ranches” in the UK? I think this is a completely valid query.

Oh poor Hugh … Repeat from last week, but it still holds up.

JESUS is EVERY new character completely crackers this season? Not only is Saul a pill-popper but he’s totally whackadoo as well. I knew Saul was bad news, but loved the TOTALLY CRAZY NOT AT ALL PREDICTABLE ROUTE they took with him. The “Breaking News: Hugh is a Dick” article in Saul’s magic paper also had me totally LOLing

Yes, Annie getting assaulted AGAIN was horrible, but the scene after it MADE LIFE COMPLETE AGAIN. OT3 YOU’VE BEEN MISSED (even though Mitchell was being a tool )

“You did what?”
“Sort of… disappeared.”
"Right, but that’s okay, because by “disappeared” you mean “got away”…"
“…..Oh Mitchell, you’ve been working out?” WHICH I HAVE NOTICED, AIDAN. NICE.

George shooing Mitchell out was A+, and: “He’s your murdering refugee. If you want to keep him you’ve got to look after him”? LOLZ. AND GEORGE'S FACE OMG

I think from now on, anytime someone is about to get into my car, I’ll preface the ride with: “2 rules for Elise’s car..." I liked the Carl storyline and the whole "body-snatching" plan. But Nina's reaction? oh dear.

"You let him out - the dead man, from the morgue?"
"We've put him on a container ship to Brazil."
"Of course you have. Anything else would be absolutely insane."

You have to admit - she's got a point...

Oh Ben, u r ded again :(

OH ANNIE. THAT WAS HORRIBLE and creepy but it looks like they’re gonna elaborate on the whole “men w/ sticks and ropes” thing. But what was with the weirdo 30s music piping in from the radio?

Wth, she chucked George BY POST?! Kind of a double standard, isn’t it? and meeting up with creepy christian censsa scientist guy? Oh Nina, obviously only very bad things are going to come of this.

“Hey Saul, you’re barred.” Heh. BUT OH NO ANNIE’S INVISIBLE AGAIN =(

General thoughts:

I’m not totally suspicious of Lucy anymore, but I’m not really interested in her either. But I’m still kind of wary. We haven’t met “Prof. Jaggard” yet … I’m just saying..

MY ADORKABLE MITCHELL FROM S1 IS BAAACK!! "What should we do? Should I get you another goldfish?" HA!

AND WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE GHOST NAZIS' OBSESSION WITH ANNIE? They went through a WHOLE LOT OF TROUBLE to get to her. Creepy, magical appearences on tv, paper and radio and resurrecting a dead guy? WOW. They certainly get an A for effort. But I am SUPER curious. I was wondering last week where they were going to go with Annie's story since they didn't touch on her's AT ALL re: her new "skill set", other ghosts turning up on her doorstep etc... But yeah, I think her's is shaping up to be my favorite arc of this series.

I forsee multiple rewatches of this ep in the very near future IT WAS THAT GOOD.

being human: so who wants tea?, oh noes!, oh my ot3, complete awesome

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