Sorry for the ridiculous amount of :(((*tear*emoemoemo lately. Yesterday continued to just suck. ass - but luckily, that just made me pissed off instead of emo, and I even attempted to post via my cellphone - but, of COURSE, following the trend of the day, it obviously didn't work. (The message would have read: "SCREW IT. SCREW. THIS.")
But, like I said, as the day wore on, frustration and bitchiness TOTALLY beat emo and trampled it to death.
I ended up waiting around until after 6, trying to get a hold of my ride home since I wouldn't be staying the night at my friend's, calling and calling and trying to find out where the hell she was while simultaneously fighting with myself over just giving up and catching the train (which I couldn't remember if it left at 6:30 or 6:45) or stay and risk being stranded in Boston.
Eventually I just said screw it and went to catch the T to the train station. I probably would have made it faster if I had walked. The T took forEVER, and alls I could do was just watch the clock on my cell get closer and closer to 6:30 (this is where the "SCREW IT. SCREW. THIS." came in). Then, I have this woman come up and ask me if she was on the right line. Yes she was. Fine.
But the minutes keep ticking by and there's no T and I'm getting more pissed off by the minute. When the T finally DOES come, this lady attachs herself to me and keeps asking MORE questions.
I was all, do I look like I'm in the mood to have your tourist ass following me around, asking me questions? NO.
So the T gets into the station at 6:28 and I ATTEMPT to book it in my flipflops, only that wasn't really working out so I was certain I was either going to make or miss the train by like, a fraction of a second. But finally something went right and the train wasn't leaving until 6:45 and the angels rejoiced and God obviously didn't hate me that much. The end.
Oh, and since I got home later then planned, I didn't even get to finish my P&P miniseries (though I DID get to watch 3 out of the 5 parts)
Anyway, I've been tagged by
fairfax with this meme here:
001. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
002. tag seven people to do the same.
003. do not tage the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
1. Do NOT dog-ear my books or I will CUT YOU. I am SRSLY OCD/anal retentive about the condition of my books. A creased paperback spine makes me twitch. I very rarely lend my books out (with the recent exception of Twilight and New Moon). I USED to let my mom borrow my books, but she LOST my copy of Lorna Doone in LONDON and spilled COFFEE all over my Brave New World (which she totally blamed on the dog). Now she is allowed to borrow them only under the strictest of conditions;
2. I may like my cocktails, but I'm a total brew girl at heart. My fave is Long Trail's Blackberry Wheat - Yum. Though Sam Summer is a close second;
3. A guy leans - in ANY manner - and I am instantly a puddle. I can't help it. I swoon on site. I blame JDoh for this becoming a turn on. DAMN HIM AND HIS HOTNESS!
4. My first serious ship, where I actually participated in the "fandom" on a MB, was for a soap :/ .... I know, you're all shocked. I would be, too.
5. I've already picked out and named my future dogs. I'm gonna get an English Setter and name her Darcy, and I'm going to get an Irish Setter and name him Shea.
6. My favorite Disney princess is Belle - I've always wanted to be her. At Disney, on Broadway... in real life, whatever...; and lastly,
7. I was born at 4:12 ON 4/12. How's that for a fun fact?
No tags, cuz that's not how I role. If you want to do it, feel free to snag it.