Just thought I'd get that out in the title so I wouldn't bore you (and myself) wasting post space being all bummed out with emoness.
Ok, so now that that's out of the way (fyi: new friends, you'll very rarely ever see me being emo - it's not a regular thing) it's Monday, and f-list, you should know what THAT means!!!
Those of you new to the f-list, don't be shy about chiming in!
There was only ONE quote missed during last week's round: 19. Stalking me. The raccoon was stalking me. - Shawn, Psych
Now, onto Round 4! (not that that really means anything...)
Rules: Identify the character and the show from which the quote originated.
1. I don't need you to think of me as a person. I have women for that! - Sally, Coupling
bubbles83 2. When I was a little girl I hated getting my allergy shot, so I used to grab onto this tree outside of my house and wrap my legs around it so tight no one could pull me off. These are thighs of steel! - Betty, Ugly Betty
fairfax smores100 3. Frak that! I'm going bridezilla on his ass! - Summer, The OC
lloydsgurl 4. If this is fatal, I will shoot both of you. - Booth, Bones
bubbles83 5. I bumped my elbow against the wall and now my elbow has a protrubrance. - Michael, The Office
lloydsgurl 6. Cue inspirational music here. - Duncan, Veronica Mars
smores100 7. Was she calling us Hollywood liberals or was she calling us gay? - Matt, Studio 60
bubbles83 afrocurl 8. I had to give up owning a mobile phone. I've had three blown up by Prince William's security already. - Jane, Coupling
bubbles83 9. Clouds don't kill people. People kill people. - Shawn, Psych
bubbles83 10. How much warning did you give people before you sniped them? - Zach, Bones
bubbles83 11. Sharpen your pencil buddy! You got a pop quiz!
12. Logan when did you stop wearing pants? - Trina, Veronica Mars
afrocurl smores100 13. Can you please keep it down? I'm in session.
14. Okay those were tasteful! And he told me he loved me. - Amanda, Ugly Betty
_solaeris 15. Is this going to be really tasteless? Am I gonna be ashamed to be your friend? - Steve, Coupling
bubbles83 16. So I'm like asthma? - Seth, The OC
afrocurl 17. Apparently that package you've been waiting for is in Vegas. Is it a white bengal tiger? - Veronica, Veronica Mars
afrocurl smores100 bubbles83 18. I need face time with my boss. I've already missed the pamper pole trust exercise. - Gus, Psych
bubbles83 19. Can I, as the only normal person in the room, say.... Eww? - Angela, Bones
fairfax 20. All the other parents have picked up their perps. Why can't we pick up ours? - Coach, Friday Night Lights
bubbles83 shelbecat 21. This is the first time I've been to one of these parties sober. I used to always think there were twice as many people.
22. Sometimes I think you talk just to make sounds. - Ryan, The OC
afrocurl 23. Why was he gone, he was such a nice guy. No, he was not, he was a total douche. Doompade doom.
24. Are you even comprehending the depths of awkwardness? - Julie, Friday Night Lights
saint_renegade 25. You have been out there every weekend when we rehearsed. Don't think I didn't see you trying to throw M&Ms into the wounded soldiers' mouths. - Lassiter, Psych
saint_renegade As always, good luck. And as always, these are most likely WAY too easy.