01. First order of business: HAPPY (BELATED) BIRTHDAY TO
ladulcevida!!! Sorry I was a total cow and missed it yesterday :/ Hope you had a super great day!
02. I've discovered a new source of amusement: The Sim Legacy Challenge. I don't play The Sims (or, I haven't in years), and I'm not a part of the challenge, but dammit if I don't FLOVE reading other people's posts about the Sim families they create/play. HILARITY. Especially
this one. I've never had to stifle laughter so hard - most likely NOT very attractive.
I don't care if you've never played Sims and if you have no interest in watching other people play Sims - READ THIS. You? Will DIE for serious. That's all I did at work one day - read this person's Sim legacies. Its like complete crack for me now. And for this, I totally blame
entulesse. DAMN YOU! *shakes fist* You introduced me to these posts and now I'm completely addicted and it's ALL YOUR FAULT!
Moving on...
Wikiquote = TEH AWESOME. Be prepared for lots of "Name That Quote" memes!
Identify the show and the character that the quote originated from. Good luck. And may the force be with you.
1. You saw a keg and didn't say anything? BACK OF THE LINE!
2. Maybe it's like Brigadoon. Come back in a hundred years and it'll be right back in this spot. - Logan, Veronica Mars
dudski krilymcc bubbles83 3. They are nifty! They're nifty gifties. - Michael, The Office
dudski 4. Did you just gesture at me when you said Kwanzaa? - Wilhelmina, Ugly Betty
aleapofaith dudski 5. No song! Absolutey no song!
6. Now let's go outside and have a truth circle.
7. Why is everybody using sarcasm on me today? - Kevin, The Black Donnellys
dudski 8. You want me to find an organization that promotes teenage sex? - Suzanne, Studio 60
nightfive bubbles83 9. No, but ask me again ten years ago. - Ryan, The Office
journaltypos dudski 10. I get lonely when you're out with all your fancy friends and I'm here by myself with nothing. - Keith, Veronica Mars
bubbles83 11. You can take my bunny, but you can't take my spirit! - Betty, Ugly Betty
ramwitz beti90 12. Cake is good, but you cannot have sex with cake.
13. Way to go, Wonder Whore. - Summer, The OC
aleapofaith dudski 14. You can't fire me! I don't work in this van! - Dwight, The Office
dudski 15. I'm on some medication right now, that I guess makes me not know where chairs are. - Matt, Studio 60
krilymcc 16. I also wanted to marry Vanilla Ice and build the world's largest collection of Z-Bots. - Veronica, Veronica Mars
aleapofaith krilymcc 17. I'm being criticized by a talking penis! - Sally, Coupling
stormyskies (Woohoo! Someone actually got it!!)
18. Bad things happen, because I am stupid.
19. Its ridiculous. One DUI, you OD a couple of times, show up naked at a garden party, and suddenly everyone treats you like a child. - Claire, Ugly Betty
ramwitz 20. I know that patience and loyalty are good and virtuous traits... but sometimes, I just think you need to grow a pair! - Angela, The Office
dudski 21. You're his Seabiscutt. - Landry, Friday Night Lights
dudski 22. I bet if I'd shown him my whole bra, he would have given me his bike.
23. Do you guys not realize how much you talk about other guys' butts? - Kaitlin, The OC
scars_proach 24. There's just so much I need to warn you about. And yet, tragically, I cannot. - Jim, The Office
dudski krilymcc 25. If he starts selling oranges in front of my house, I'm gonna be so pissed. - Dick, Veronica Mars
aleapofaith krilymcc ETA: Ok, apparantly these were WAY too easy. Will have to come up with more obscure quotes for the next set.
ETA 2: Does NOBODY on my f-list watch That 70s Show???
04. Yup, totally crushing. Shit.