- This post isn't really going to have a point or anything pertinant in it. I'm really only writing it b/c I'm determined to have something posted every day this week - which I've never done. See my spotty little calander? I WILL fill up a whole row, one way or another. That's an inspired goal, don't you think?
- My sincerest condolances to all the Blake fans on my f-list. I heard last night was a bit of a drag.
- There's been a snag in the already tentative plans for Erin and Elise Do America.
A friend of her's who she hasn't seen in over a year is coming back from working on boats in the Caribbean - and the only time she'd probably be able to go and visit her is during the 2 weeks of our sort of planned road trip. She hasn't seen ME in a year - isn't road-tripping with me more important??!?! I think it is.
But she apparently promised to visit whenever her friend came back, blah blah blah, so this poses a problem - b/c if either of us has a full-time job to go to after those two weeks are over, than any ideas of traveling cross country can be considered pretty much moot.
And that sucks.
Even if we DID end up going somewhere, it would have to be somewhere close - and all the places she's mentioned I've been to but she never has b/c they're all in New England and she's from South Carolina. *sigh* Even if we did end up taking a shorter trip, it would still seem so disappointing in comparison to this big thing we had planned and thinking about all the sites we were missing that we had wanted to see. Ugh.
- Paris Hilton + The Bible =
Hilarious - Apparenlty, the firm I'm currently working at is in the same building here in Boston where a friend of mine also works - so heh, that's a fun coincidence. We went out to lunch yesterday and stopped at Borders b/c she desperately needed to pick up the latest installments of a fantasy series she's started reading - so finding a kind of kindred spirit in her I didn't know existed (she's also pre-ordered that last Harry Potter), I immediately started excessively gushing about recommended Twilight lol
I WILL get as many people as possible as obsessed as I am. And only 2 more months until Eclipse *sigh*
- I may have a potential job that would start in early June and last until the end of August - and it's right in downtown Boston, and it sounds ideal and so much better than if I had to end up commuting 2 plus hours to Wellesley for a job that I don't really want that would last indefinitely - so, fingers crossed.
- Thanks to
mushu603 I spent the better part of an hour playing on this thing called
Meez: Your 3D I.D. SO. Addictive. And this is what came out:
There was a Faneuil Hall background that I wanted, but I didn't have any meez cents or whatever their currency is to save it :( But don't you love me super cute red shoes??
- I keep getting phone calls and I never get phone calls, so it figures I would keep getting phone calls at work when I shouldn't be getting phone calls.
- I'm bored. Link me up.