May 05, 2007 20:23

Did that grab your attention?

Don't worry, I'm not gonna fake you out. There's a genuine picspam behind the cut a little further down.

Last week, elektra_1000cia left a super awesome hot guy picspam on my f-list. And as those of you new to my f-list will come to know, I will picspam at any given opportunity - so I thought I'd return the favor in the form of my favorite pics of my favorite hot guys.

Taylor Kitsch

It’s weird, but I find Riggins more attractive than normalTaylor. Maybe it’s b/c I like him all scruffy and greasy. When TK’s modeling, he’s just too pretty (the above photo excluded, of course)

I find it hysterical that Riggins would have twinkle lights strung above his bed. Not that is detracts from his hotness at all..

Ben McKenzie

I couldn't resist

I’m a total sucker for Black & White Ben

And just…. wow

Aaron Eckhart

Ok, so it’s more his character in Possession - he’s all scruffy and scholarly and just *sigh* Love him.

David Boreanaz

There’s just something about David in a suit…

It makes me wanna grab him by his skinny tie and have my way with him


Just look at that profile

So I cropped it. I wasn’t gonna let the scruff go to waste!

MAN can that boy can wear a shirt. Just DAMN

And the arms! Oh the arms! *fans self*

The sitting lean! Made of WIN people!

Just... GAH!

Even with his heart breaking into a bazillion pieces he STILL looks hot

Jonas Armstrong

You’re all scruffy and Irish and you play Robin Hood all cheeky and you’re awesome

Hee! You’re adorable and I love you

Ian Somerhalder
really only because he’s my Edward Cullen *dreamy sigh*

Orlando Bloom (yes, I'm fan, ok?!)

I just like him when he’s all wet and dirty

But he cleans up nice

And he does Black and White so well

John Krasinski

Recently added to my list, b/c his humor makes him hot

And because he is one seriously tall drink of water

Look at JKras, all dark and mysterious

And check the smirk! All subtly cocky and confident = Hot

Save a horse, ride a Krasinski

The end.

jason (fucking) dohring, the office cast, twilight: yes i'm ashamed, orlando bloom: who cares if he can't act, robin hood owns my soul, fnl cast, actor lust, the oc cast, bones: i don't know what that means, no fake outs here!, vm cast, picspam

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