Apr 14, 2007 13:12
Just a quick laundry list:
- I just bought The Office dvds (BOTH SEASONS!) and I am REALLY excited!!! I'm totally marathoning this weekend!
- I also bought the Little Women dvd to replace my vhs. *sigh* I flove that movie. And it only helped to strengthen my pre-teen crush on Christian Bale that has never really gone away.
- As I was looking for my Office dvds, I saw the S2 set for Veronica Mars, and while for a split second I was sort of interested, it wasn't very hard to just keep on walking.
- A couple of friends and I went to this thing called "Sinatra Night" at some lounge after work the other day, and they had a Frank Sinatra impersonator. Dude sounded JUST LIKE HIM.
- I forgot how goddamn depressing the Blood Brothers soundtrack is. Not the best "drive home from work" music :(
- And now I'm TOTALLY off to start reading Twilight! *twirls*
the office: damn it jim!,
veronica mars: solving cases with snark,
friends are fun,
tv dvds are genius,
books are cool