Jul 18, 2006 21:29
And so I have returned to Japan -- rested and ready to work. So what did I do today?
I spent eight hours at my desk doing absolutely nothing.* And I got paid for it. Quite a bit, actually.
Such is the way of things in Japan. I rarely know when/if I'll be having actual classes. And when I do they're usually haphazard affairs. Not that that's my fault. If I had more advance warning for these things I could put them together in such a fashion that they were stunning and amazing.
As it is, my butt is saved on a regular basis thanks to BINGO. B-I-N-G-O. Praise the name of BINGO. Without it I would be screwed. Luckily I have a back-up plan in the person of a ragdoll panda named Bobby. Don't ask. Just know that the Japanese kids loves the ragdoll pandas.
In conclusion, don't expect a lot of hilarious and/or thoughtful postings in the next few weeks. There's only one more day of actual "classes" before the closing ceremony. And by "classes" I mean "me sitting at my desk doing nothing."**
*Actually I worked on one of my novels. I wrote twenty pages!
**I'll probably work on my novel. Or play NetHack.