the lind legacy, 2.0

Oct 30, 2012 14:01

Solo won the heir poll!

Here is your generation 2 heir. Solo would like to personally thank those who voted for him and had faith in him to carry on this legacy. He's truly humbled. I on the other hand, would like take some time to laugh hysterically that he dislikes children and is doomed to have at least 3.

Since Solo won heirship, I'm moving him to his new crib that I made specially for him. The spares get to stay in the old house.

Reid&Irina: *suck each others faces*
These two are also moving in if I can pry them apart, that is.

Obligatory new home photo.


Dog stampede! Why, you ask?

Because of this lady! Meet the newest member of the family. Her name is Sassy and she is ridiculously gorgeous. It's her destiny to make puppies with Floyd.

You have GOT to be kidding me. Less than 24 hours in the new house, a burglar shows up. Be gone with you, wretched burglar!


Sassy: What have I been adopted into?

Cora: I'm too old for this shit...

I wonder what the neighbours think.

Of course it's asking too much for the cop NOT to get his ass kicked by a burglar. Thanks so much for protecting you citizens!

Trying to get Solo out of the house to look for potential baby mama's is difficult. All he wants to do is paint shirtless. Not that I'm complaining.

So, I do the obvious thing and invite over the maid, whose name is Tonia, for a bootycall.

Solo: Let's hug now.
Tonia: Uh, I'm not comfortable with that sort of intimate contact, maybe we should just be friends.

Oh, so you'll kiss him and have sex with him but won't hug him. What a strange lady you are, Tonia.

Fortunately, a totally cute girl lives across the street by complete coincidence! (ha ha)

Solo: You don't happen to like Romantic Red flowers, do you?
Marcie: Mmn, let me contemplate about this....

Marcie: OH YES. As a matter of face, I LOVE THEM.

Solo ran away home after that, back to painting. In fact, the whole time he was interacting with Marcie he could wait to leave. I think it's love.

This random puppy showed up on the Lind's lot...


What a cheeky pup! GTFO.

Haha. NO.

To my delight, these two are getting on incredibly well.

This is where my game glitched terribly. This is supposed to be Irina giving Cora a belly rub. Cora is invisible as was Ollie, so I had to move them out and move them back in. Sigh.

She's so perfect.


This is Marcie and Solo's second date. My computer ate up my screenshots of their first date, but to sum up: they went to see a movie, then hung out at the beach where Marcie peed herself.


At least their second date ended better than the first!

And so Marcie moved in. She is an Animal Lover, Diva, Dramatic, Natural Cook & Unflirty.

Irina: Oh look, my first born son kissing a half naked female that I don't know in my hallway.

What's more romantic that being proposed to in your underwear? I don't know!

She said yes.

So Pax is the first one of the spares to get hitched. Where the hell was my invite?

The obligatory 'puppies being made' photo.

I got Solo a guitar since it's part of his LTW. Luckily he only sucked a little, once he gained his first skill level he was like a pro and everyone including Reid (!!) loved it.


The Father of the Groom!

Obviously, it's asking far too much for you to leave each other alone for just two seconds.

Marcie: Hey Ollie, did you know that today is my wedding day? Well, it is! In fact, ALL OF LUCKY PALMS MUST KNOW THAT TODAY IS MY WEDDING DAY.

Please, please, please tell me you did not just have sex in Solo and Marcie's bed. BURN THE SHEETS.



I kid you not, this is where I found them sneaking off to as the guests arrived. STOP IT.

I think you've got the wrong wedding, the nudist wedding is down the street.

Marcie is pissed that someone is trying to steal her thunder by turning up without pants.

Hi beautiful Saffi.

I don't know what's going on here, I can only guess that Aster is attracting people to him with his ~magnetic personality~

Honey dressed inappropriately for the occasion as always. LOVE YOU HONEY.

/wedding spam.

I imagine it was somewhat distracting to have pantless lady in the front seat.

Awww, Reid.

I have no idea who brought this old man, be he sobbed the whole way though the ceremony. Maybe he got lost and ended up here?

Wedding Cake for dinner. Extravagant!

Pax's wife tagged along with him, stuffed her face with food and then left declaring that the party sucked. Way to impress your in-laws!

I give up.

At least Solo and Marcie had a good time busting their ridiculous dance moves.

They ended the evening with stargazing.

The puppies are born! Four of them. Which means a total of 8 dogs. Kill me now. I decided to keep them until the reach adulthood at least, a decision which I'm starting to regret, but at least they are cute. The litter consists of two males, Moonshine and Rover and two females, Bella and Lulu.

And I think I have a favourite.

Okay, maybe not.

Aww playing in pee, just like daddy. 

Sassy is the prefect mother and I still can't believe how beautiful she is.

When one of the family comes home, this is the sight that greets them. A bundle of puppies!

I'll finish the update with generation 3 cooking in Marcie's belly.

ALSO - my sims are now available for download here.

the lind legacy

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