(no subject)

Sep 04, 2006 17:30

1. Close your eyes and picture a shelf in your character's library. List the titles of the books on that shelf.
Tifa wouldn't have much, and whatever she'd have is probably well-worn and near falling apart, but most likely old, old stained books of children's fairy tales. There would also be volumes upon volumes of cookbooks and a few books of classic poetry or literature she managed to fanagle from yard sales or something like that, that she doesn't quite understand out of context but likes to read anyway.

2. How does your character prefer to celebrate her victories and successes?
With friends--hosting a party.

3. What is your character's view on privacy--hers and others'?
Tifa doesn't put much stake on her own privacy, unless people outside her "circle" are concerned... unless it's about her past, or her "kids"; she's not so kind to people she considers interlopers (the media, enemies, etc.), and becomes clammed up accordingly. However, she will politely stay out of other people's business until invited in.

4. What double standards does your character hold? How does she expect to be treated differently from the ways in which she treats others? Does she acknowledge this double standard or deny it?
She doesn't take it when people give her attitude or trouble over anything, usually... but when it comes to romantic pursuits you can emotionally smack her around all you want and she'll keep coming back. She probably doesn't realize she's doing it.

5. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind?
She doesn't want to leave a legacy, just live a happy, quiet life. She's had a taste of the "legendary hero" stuff and doesn't really like it.

6. What would your character like to see written on her tombstone?
She wouldn't really expect an epitaph, just her name. Though it'd probably be something along the lines of "Loyal Friend, Beloved Mother and Protector".

7. Write an obituary for your character.
Can I skip that one? It's kinda creepy.

8. Imagine that a local newspaper or alumni newsletter has chosen to spotlight your character this month. Write that article, or the interview held by the reporter.
She'd politely decline and glare a lot. That's an infringement on said privacy.

9. What is the most shameful thing that ever happened to your character?
Aerith's death. Imagine being in a rivalry over a guy with someone you'd probably be best friends with if not for him, then she gets stabbed in front of you without getting to apologize. Yep.

10. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to your character?
Wardrobe malfunctions? Cloud finding her underwear? Dunno. :D

11. Does your character hold any extremist political viewpoints?
No. None at all.

12. If your character had to pick one popular saying to embody her philosophy toward life, what would it be?
"Step lightly, and carry a big stick."

13. In terms of romantic relationships, what is your character's "type"? What does she think her type is? Are these two things the same or different?
Tifa doesn't really have a "type"; on the surface she thinks she's attracted to gruff, tough guys who can protect and nurture her, but really it's closer to whoever will show her affection and support her emotionally--bonus points if they actually make some effort to care about her interests, what she's into, etc. It's turning out to not be what she thought it was at all.

14. When was the last time your character took a vacation?
Haha, whoa... never?

15. What person has most influenced your character's development as an adult?
Zangan, her Dad.

16. Did your character have any heroes as a child?
Zangan! And probably an idol singer or two.

17. Open up the cabinets in your character's bathroom and describe what you find there.
Oh gosh. Uhm... facial wash, moisturizer, her makeup bag, nail clippers, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, a first aid kit, Marlene's toothbrush, some kind of athlete's foot mediction (shh), body sprays and deoderant, etc. Also most likely some kind of topical muscle relaxer, heavy-duty painkillers, a heating pad or two, and "feminine hygiene" stuff.

18. What is the best vacation your character has ever taken?

19. What is the most memorable romantic encounter your character has ever had?
Haha, uh... romantic... er, probably the night outside the Highwind with Cloud.

20. What is the biggest lie your character has ever told?
Yeah, that'd be the whole Cloud re-enforcing the neuroses thing.

21. What is the most cruel and hurtful thing your character has ever done?
Ignored a certain guy to be with her friends, even though she liked him.

22. Has your character ever broken any laws? Did she get caught?
Oh yeah. Her life in the slums was pretty much a "oh noes, the 5-0, hide the _______!" type of existence. Lots of people, not so much law enforcement, but if the law caught you, you disappeared. People rallied against it, so no, she never got caught.

23. Who was your character's best friend during childhood?
Mob of boys.

24. If your character were to paint the inside of her house, what color scheme would she use?
Burgundy, maroon, off-white.

25. Who was your character's best friend during her teenage years?
Same mob of boys.

26. Describe your character's dream home.
Safe little flat outside of the city limits, with a garden and maybe water nearby.

27. Who was your character's best friend during adolescence?
Mob of boys.

28. Describe your character's childhood home.
Two-story stone house, rustic and cozy.

29. What is the most cruel and hurtful thing your character has ever said?
Canonically? Nothing. Tifa's quite toothless as far as personal insults go.

30. How good is your character at manipulating other people? To what end does she do it?
She doesn't really like to, but if she needs to? She lets her body do the talking, of course. And she's REALLY good at it, much to her chagrin.

memes, question the pups

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