Plugging this back...

Nov 01, 2008 14:00

I thought maybe moving my journal to PINKCOCOAPUFFS would make me blurb a whole lot more. Maybe I really became too busy for this, but yeah I want to plug DiamondHalo back in. This is also one way of getting updated with the lives of my friends. Sometimes the conversations over coffee isn't enough :)


If I could tell my old self one thing it would be "Never take a break on college... College does take its toll"

Just a few good notes a few bad ones too...
2008 - Interesting first half of the year.. A very rocky finish but I can say I'm learning.
2007 - A grown-up first half, a so-so ending...
2006 - Crazy Crazy year but it was fun... which resulted in a moment of clarity.
2005 - Confusing year for me-self.
and so on...

So, from now on... where does it go from here?

My passion for graphic designing has died down but i still admire... hoping for the ignition soon. (everyday passes hour by hour... i don't know how I can break it down anymore.. day by day seems to long)

Yes I'm still here and there... LA, Sanfo, Manila... I plan to hop to New York at 2010...

I can't wait for the rest of my life to begin... College life isn't interesting to me anymore. I've become selective...

I'm already 23. Boohoo. parang it was just yesterday that  I was telling myself how can my 18 year old self cope...

I guess livejournal is still comfortable to me compared to updating all this in facebook or multiply. but I oh so still love my myspace. I love the whole music thing it has... The oldest networking account I have and the one i frequently visit and update.

Swoosh the time goes. Well thats all for now.
Good day!

crystal yaptinchay

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