
Feb 14, 2005 01:05

Yes, it is Valentine's Day.

What quote do we want for today? (I am using we in the most figurative sense here because it is just me and the computer, it does not really make a we but the computer is going to represent my companion for this holiday of mass consumption)

"Fame is nothing more loving than someone and fortune is nothing more than loving what you do.
It's nothing more than loving you."
-Jason Mraz

Isn't that happy? But happy is not good we need a quote of evil and hatred, or maybe just one of mild angst. I'm getting out the Catcher in the Rye.

Old Luce: Naturally. Your mind is immature.

The Great Holden Caulfield: It is. it really is. I know it.

That was more autobiograpical of me. I wanted to use that moment where Mr Antonilini is petting Holden's head or where drunk!Holden is talking to Sally's mother but alas I chickened out to go with the only unprofane moment in the Old Luce conversation.

This is the holiday where people buy thing to represent their love or buy flowers to replace times were they didn't love or buy premade cards for people where there is not emotion involved. It is a holiday rivialed only by Christmas in it consumption, but I love the cookies that my mother made so how can I complain. They are good cookies.


PS I love you like I love you! (cheesy cheesier cheesiest- I want to type chess)
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