Sep 13, 2007 15:52
I really am getting a Facebook. Not 'til Monday though, because I don't see the point of making one and then being gone for the weekend and not being able to get online very often. Central!!! lol, it's going to be fun.
So, school. I really like it so far. My Psych professor is hilarious, and my Biology prof. for the lab is too. I don't exactly like math...I'm three lessons ahead on the work, because honestly, I know how to solve an equation. Thankfully, there are a few other people in my class that seem like they should be in a higher one too. So I'm not alone! Same thing in Bio, actually. There's at least two other people who have taken AP and are in there. Although, I don't know if they actually passed the test...oh well, I'm over that.
So yesterday for our first Bio lab we had to go outside on the campus and compare three different communities. It was quite fun. I like my lab group a lot. Today in the lecture we all sat together. But the mosquitoes were HORRIBLE!!! I got more bites yesterday than I did over the entire summer.
I finally got all of my books today too. I had to wait for this Photo Atlas for the bio labs.
Um, yeah, I guess that's about it. I'm going to try and get a job at the conservatory on campus, and volunteer for bird banding too.
I guess I need to go to my math class now. (ew)