lj-mood: irritated
lj-music: Anna Nalick: Bleed
OK. So I've been partially sick since last weekend after the huge
blowout with myself, Stu & he who shall not be named. I've been totally
sick since this past Friday night. I must be a glutton for punishment.
I stayed on the couch the entire weekend nursing what I thought to be a
very bad sinus infection with little or no help at home. My poor kid,
she's been so helpful. Trying to do so much more than a 5 year old
should have to be, but she's an awesome little lady, I must say. Her
father was of course no help. Never has been when it comes to me being
sick. I'm sorry. Shoot me, I'm not good when I'm sick. I'm cranky,
I'm bitchy and I want to be taken care of and treated like I'm actually
sick! I want to be able to put my duties on hold. Is that such a
crime?? But did that happen? Noooo.
Of course, I expected no less. I was allowed to go out into the cold
at 3am for food because I was starving and all I got was, "bring me
something back"..WTF?!! I'm sorry, but I'm a firm believer in sick or
not, no woman should be allowed to go out into the night without an
escort or not at all at that our unless it's an emergency or there is no
one to go for her. - STRIKE 1
The next day after forcing myself to get up and shampoo my hair, I
was then contacted due to vehicle malfunctions to come to his aid.
HELLO! I'm sick here - where are all your friends? Your father even.
Does anyone give a crap that I'm coughing my lungs up and trying to get
well??!! Apparently not, so off I go again, and all you can say is I'm
sorry? Don't care, don't want no apologies. - STRIKE 2
I don't even dare repeat the things that were said yesterday morning
in front of my daughter with not even any consideration for her. Just
know that I'm fed up and I'm numb and I'm not as forgiving about this.
I don't want to forgive this. I want it rectified. I want him gone and
I told him so, but yet today he wants to know where my ring is....Where
do you think it is. I have no desire to show anyone that I married a
man who has no respect for his own daughter and his only excuse is "he
was tired" of the situation? Well, yeah buddy I am too. Goodbye.
STRIKE 3 - You're out.
Just know that I called this at the beginning of the year. It has
to end or someone is going to end up hurt. I can no longer make most of
my decisions based on what's best only for my daughter. It does no good
to be unhappy only for the sake of a child, who can be happier in a
better situation in time. I need a piece of mind. I need a friend to
talk to...somehow the one person that I was able to talk to has
mysteriously vanished. So here I am, sorting out things with no one to
talk to about it or at least take my mind to another place. Don't know
how that happened. I think that there was more damage to my friendship
over the events of two weeks ago, than what's being admitted. We've
literally not "talked" in two weeks and the mails and text's have been
scarce. Don't know what to say or do about it..all the conversations
are coming from me, with little or no response.
First month of the year has been some kind of a ride...don't want a
second go round. Can I get off, please? Feeling a little queasy.