As I stepped out onto the deck this morning, I gazed out into the sky. Watching as the pitch black of night faded into nothing as sunrise loomed over the horizon. I stood there for a few moments, just taking in the brisk cold air of morning. Just moments before I took the inevitable steps of chaos that were becoming so repetitive each morning. I smiled a little. It just occurred to me that I have actually kept up with my LJ a lot more this year as I said I would. It also occurred to me that its not only been for negative things, but positive and happy things as well. It was at this moment that I realized something had changed. I made some form of progress and it's three months into the year. I was able to have a blissful moment, although I have chaos in my life that at any moment might make an appearance for the day to upset me. But at the moment, that very moment, I was optimistic and I smirked. :)
I even got pulled into a quick survey with my 2nd favorite flower of all time describing me..who would have thought...
What A Lily Says About You
You are playful, flirty, and friendly.
You can easily light up a room... or someone's heart.
Your unique personality attracts a lot of attention!
What Do The Flowers You Pick Say About You?