Lost 5.16/17 - The Incident

May 13, 2009 19:57

Well my friends, we're back on the island for the last time until January 2010, and, like all the past season finales in this series, it was one heck of a send-off. Season 5 has given us a lot of great moments and episodes as we really started getting more answers to questions considering, sniff sniff, we only have one more season to go in this journey.

Unlike all other season finales, very few spoilers, sans the Jacob ones, were known going into this episode.

Consider this a free-flowing synopsis/review...

Speaking of Jacob, what an opening in that we immediately met Jacob along with seeing the Black Rock in the water. Oh yeah... we saw the full on statue, and it was not Anubis, but the goddess Tawaret (Who shares similarities with Anubis) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawaret. Also of note, Jacob was wearing white and his enemy was wearing black, always a sign of struggle and contrast between two characters. It

Anyways, we quickly found out that Jacob had interactions with characters off the island. He helped young Kate out of a jam, talked with Sawyer at the funeral for his parents and provided him the pencil that he used to write his threat to "Mr. Sawyer", the death of Sayid's wife, Illiana in the hospital, Locke's fall (Which was shown at an awesome angle), the wedding of Sun and Jin, after Jack had a confrontation with his father, and after Hurley got out of jail. Out of all of them, he had the most direct contact with Hurley, which is how Hurley ended up on the Ajira flight.

Back in the 1970's, Dr. Chang was in full on "prevent the incident" mode, while Jack and company were in full on "nuke the island" mode. The biggest shock at first was Sayid taking a slug to the chest, and honestly, he was no where near the top of the list in terms of the body count in this episode.
We also had the Kate/Juliet/Sawyer love triangle operating with Juliet continuing to wear the reddest of red shirts. It's almost sad when you look at Juliet... you can see that she fully knew all this shit was going to happen and things weren't going to end well.

The Jack/Sawyer heart to heart/jungle-fight was great... especially Sawyer giving Jack a nut shot. The "Incident" was a great scene, especially after Miles giving the theory that Jack himself was the cause of things. Phil's death was great, we saw how Dr. Chang lost his arm, and sadly, Juliet falling down into the Swan. I must say... her death was probably the most emotional of them all, even after they telegraphed it the past couple of episodes.

Back in the most present of times, Locke was on his mission to "kill" Jacob, while the mysterious Ajira team was in the process of completing their mission. Turns out, the cabin wasn't Jacob's crib afterall... it was the base of the statue, or well, the foot of the statue.

And then the big reveal came... the cargo hold box was the real body of John Locke, and the new "confident" Locke was the man that was on the island with Jacob at the beginning of the episode. Basically, everything's been a giant game of chess between these two.

And then the ending... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So that ends season 5 and we got to wait until 2010 to figure out what will happen to those stuck in the past.

As for the announcement I was going to make...

The series finale of this livejournal account will occur in conjunction with the series finale of Lost in May 2010. I simply don't use it much anymore, and I figure... what an appropriate way to go out. Until then, I will update sporadically, but after that... well...
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