John/Slightly feral!cat!Sherlock Cats Always Look After Their Owners 2/3

Apr 11, 2012 14:03

Title: Cats Always Look After Their Owners 1/3
Pairing:  John/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Contains: Humour, meddling!Mycroft, science experiments
Words: 905
Spoilers: N/A
Summary from Kinkmeme:After being exposed to some unknown chemical, Sherlock is acting weird toward John. He's following John around the house, sniffing him, trying to back John into corners, and generally being more annoying than usual. John asks about it, Sherlock denies everything and stalks off and sulks.

Part Two

It turned out Sherlock’s sense of smell had enhanced as well as his eye sight and John outside of two metres of him seemed to set him off. John wanted to go back to Sherlock not noticing when he went out, Sherlock had put a device that sent a electric shock to anyone who left the flat without a code being issued by Sherlock. he gave the excuse that it would stop Mycroft from bugging the flat or coming in.
At crime scenes Sherlock kept a hand in John’s knitted jumpers throughout,  like a toddler holding onto their dad at a supermarket. John had now become accustomed to viewing crime scenes from corners of the room and seeing Anderson getting tackled to the floor if he came within two feet of him. Sherlock acted like it was normal, just him exchanging insults with Anderson. Sally had taken to calling Sherlock puppy instead of freak due to the time Sherlock bit one of the junior policemen for coming into Lestrade’s office when they were discussing a case.

John was in the Chinese restaurant nearest the clinic enjoying a meal with the other doctor’s as the last day before Christmas break. John hadn’t known about it as he’d had the last two days off due to not having enough work. It had been a pleasant surprise and a good break from Sherlock’s boredom in between cases - that had gotten even worse since his change and john’s constant need to settle Sherlock hsad left him without normal human contact bar Mrs Hudson. He now took to duelling the walls so it looked like they had a tiger as a pet.

Most had brought their partners with them, Sarah’s newest boyfriend David was talking to him about rugby and suggesting he join in with the team set up nearby. John knew it was all too good to last as he found out as Sherlock came in like a tornado to stand over him.

“Why are you here?” he demanded ignoring the curious stares of the other staff members and restaurant patrons.

“It’s a works’ do Sherlock, you know before Christmas. Work colleagues go out to celebrate Christmas together before they visit their families for Christmas break. Do you have a case?” John enunciated like he was speaking to one of his older patients. Sherlock was so completely clueless about social norms.

“Is that Sherlock?”

“Yes, he’s always like that” Sarah says to no one in particular.

“No, I need milk John and you didn’t answer your text so I tracked you through the receptionist at the clinics blouse collar.”

“Sherlock I’m eating here, you can walk to the shop just this once.”

Sherlock took in the barely touched meal and the bottles of wine and beers on the table half full, the flush cheeks of the rest of the table. The lip stick left on john’s cheek showing a colleague was attracted to him but not ready to act upon it. pursing his lips he pulled a vacant chair from another table and sat down. “Why do you need to involve yourself in transport” Sherlock muttered to himself.

The party soon broke up after that as everyone was uncomfortable with the way Sherlock sat like a cat ready to pounce if anyone so much as talked to John. When john left the restaurant Sherlock called a cab but sent three away in succession deeming them unsuitable for John to travel in.  “Sherlock behave!” growled John as he got angrier as Sherlock backed john into the corner of the cab and started rubbing his nose, cheeks and forehead over John in a pattern known only to Sherlock. When he tried to remove him, Sherlock growled at him.

“I don’t take druggies in my cabs mate, here; your stops only a block away. Now shove!” yelled the cabbie as he pulled over onto the side of the street. He kept yelling abuse as Sherlock hissed and tried to reach forward as if to scratch out his eyes if John hadn’t restrained him and bodily pushed him from the cab.

When they reached 221 B Baker Street Sherlock collapsed onto his sofa, somehow managing to get into his dressing gown and out of his prized Belstaff as he fell onto it.

“What is the matter with you Sherlock, your worse than normal. Sarah had organised that weeks ago, you ruined it for them all, you’ll have to apologise when I go back next week. Do you understand that your behaviour was more than a bit not good. Sherlock! Sherlock are you even listening!”

Sherlock was opening the case to his violin, seemingly immersed in his chosen task. “What, John I have no idea what you are incessantly babbling on about. I assume I have annoyed you somehow due to your pacing and the flushes in your cheeks and your psychosomatic limb having disappeared again as your temper has taken over. I was waiting for your needless gathering to finish, wasn’t that a good normal thing to do?”

“Are you honestly saying you don’t know what you’ve done wrong?” john stood stock still in the middle of the flat.

“All I did was pick you up from your boring party”

John harrumphed then banned around the flat for the rest of the day, even Mrs Hudson couldn’t cheer him up; Sherlock sulked and kept checking on John at odd intervals throughout the evening. 

mycroft, fanfiction, sherlock/john, bbcsherlock, fantasygenre

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